Part 30 Apprentice To Knight

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Air pov

As we descended lower into the complex I could feel the unmistakable pool of the dark side but I could also feel the pool of the light. Eventually, we reached the catacomb of the Imperial Palace where Anakin and Tomoyo had brought me and my friends all those years ago none of the equipment Still Remains except for destroyed droids and the skeletal remains of slashed-off arms and legs. Akame looked around the area looking over everything every inch every corner reaching out with the force.

Akame- there's something here a remnant of the light side of the force it's faint but it is here.

Air closed her eyes and reached into the force and could feel what Akame was talking about. Air moved to one of the corners of the old room and put her hand against the wall as she did the wall lit up with lights casting a symbol of the Jedi.

Kakumei- looks like we have our way in.

Kakumei walked forward before he was yanked back by his father.

Tatsumi- be careful this wasn't here when we were here.

Akame- I'm surprised that no one has found this.

Akame watched as the doorway opened what she saw astonished her.

A room that completely radiated the light side of the force and all of its glory in the center a tree a force tree of light perhaps.

Kakumei- so what are we supposed to do here?

Air looked at her young students.

Air- I suppose we're going to meditate to gain wisdom from the force.

Tatsumi- that's great for the three of you but me and Akeno are not Force sensitive.

Akame turned and smiled at them both.

Akame- every little bit helps come sit with us.

The five of them took positions and sat cross-legged. The 3 Force sensitives fell into a meditative trance. After 20 minutes Akeno fell into a meditative trans herself but to be fair it was more brooding than anything else. Tatsumi simply focused on their mission to gain answers as many as they could. As they said three Bright Lights-like doorways opened up each making themselves visible to their intended recipient.

Air- look at that light

Kakumei- what I don't see anything

Akeno- I see it

Tatsumi- Akame do you see it

Akame stayed quiet with her legs crossed and her mind open to the force.

Air- I guess these are our trials.

The three quickly get up and had to separate spots in the room.

Tatsumi- good luck everybody.

Akeno- be safe dad

Tatsumi- I will

Tatsumi looked over at Air

Tatsumi- see you on the other side.

Air smiled and walked forward disappearing into her doorway before it closed behind her the other two did the same. Now it was just Kakumei and Akame alone in the room.

Kakumei- mom

Akame- yes

Kakumei- you met a lot of the Jedi didn't you did you ever meet Master Yoda?

Akame- yes I did

Kakumei- what was he like?

Akame- he was one of the wisest people I had ever met. You could see the wisdom on his wrinkled face but it always seemed like he was carrying a weight to him as if he knew that one time was ending and another one was about to begin.

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