part 12 memories

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Air pov

I sat in a Room Simply staring at old images of the past pictures of  Anakin of Chelsea of Akame and Fordo. Air could  Remember the very second that things went wrong  I could hear voices I could hear something happening but I just couldn't make sense of it at the time I could feel the flow of the force... No, not the force I could feel the flow of the dark side. It was so unbelievably cold in a way I couldn't imagine. Within that time I felt the deaths of friends and family who I had come to know over the 3 years of the clone wars and every time I try to reach out to Anakin I was always met with darkness I had concluded that he had died. And now I see Kakumei is learning the ways of the force and the Jedi I noticed the boy had constructed a lightsaber though it was disguised as a blaster. It was interesting, to say the least, the boy had made some strives Tatsumi would be exceptionally proud if he known. As I was thinking a familiar face came into my room  A tall woman with blonde hair with an idiot's grin.

Leone- long time no see Air

Air looked up at her friend and smiled for the first time in what felt like year's


Air got off of her bed and ran to her friend and hugged her

Air-  It's been so long where've you been?

Leone sat down in one of the chairs in my room and took off her poncho

Leone- me and Akame have been doing work in the outer rim It's beginning the startings of the rebellion.

Air looked up at her a somewhat worried look in her eyes.

Air-  Where is Akame her son and  Daughter need her

Leone- she is around she ask me to come here to give you guys a message.

The pitch in her voice made Air go even more worried.

Air- what's going on

Leone-  Keep an eye on that kid Galen he's not to be trusted. Akame  Suggests ones you guys have all your resources and money that you need to leave I'll give you the coordinance but leave him behind.

Air looked at her friend

Air- can I ask why He doesn't seem all that dangerous in fact he seems kind of ordinary.

Leone- me and Akame saw him talking to the grand inquisiter But that's not all we saw him talking to another figure the same one we saw on the planet 15 years ago.

The air in the room seemed to grow cold.

Air- Vader

Leone-  Yeah The only reason why Vader hasn't come down on us is some other larger plan or at least that's what Akame Theorises.

Air- I'll let Tatsumi know and get ready to leave.

Leone gets up from the chair and puts  Her poncho back on and raises the hood to cover her face.

Leone-  I'm scared to we never fought Vader when we saw him the 1st time and it's been 15 years since that day. Chances are Akame is the only one that can match him. And whatever information we have on him is all hearsay.

Air- what are you saying

Leone-  If you guys confront him run get away by any means necessary.

Without another word Leone leaves the cabin.

Air sat down on her bed and started to think back to that day though she never had seen Vader she had felt the overwhelming power he possessed and the absolute darkness. Akame had  Described him to me after the situation I had a very good idea of what I had to look out for.  The one thing I had never forgotten was when she had mentioned his respirator breathing how it loud out with harsh how unbelievably unnatural it was. Air laid back and looked up at the ceiling

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