part 25 Shadow of the past

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3rd person pov

A mining station in the outer rim not so much of a bustle and hustle but it was good enough to avoid Imperial oversight. For those who lived on the station it was a peaceful life however for others it was a sanctuary away from the Empire and its horrible gays. And one of the structures that house civilians lived a woman whose hair ones shine so beautiful and red now had nothing but Gray. Chelsea had lived her life in fear ever since the day she ran away with her husband from the Empire they had originally settled on a world far away However the Empire had found her and her husband 2 years after giving birth to her 1st child a daughter she had named Mara. Her husband had tried to fight the imperials but had been gunned down. Chelsea could still remember her husband's screams as he told her to run. She had never forgotten and she had never forgiven. But here on this station, she was invisible here on this insignificant part of the Empire her past was Is irrelevant. It was on this particular day that she went out to get her normal groceries that she saw a young girl in the crowd that caught her eye. The girl had pink hair though short It looked unbelievably familiar like an A-blast from the past it reminded Chelsea of Mine.

Akeno was walking through the streets of this dingy satellite mining district. Rebel intelligence wanted them to follow up on some reports nothing too major. She and Leone were walking through the crowds.

Leone- You would have never seen a sight like this back on our world this Galaxy is wonderful and beautiful even with all the turmoil that's going on.

Akeno- You're acting so normally how can you be this way with everything that's going on?

Leone pulled Akeno close to her and whispered in her ear.

Leone- That's life as a soldier you have to learn to get used to it.

As the two women continue to walk Leone becomes aware that they were being followed by somebody. Quickly she looks to the side and notices a woman who had looked as if she had seen better days looking at her more intently the facial features the eyes everything becomes familiar.

Leone- Chelsea???

Akeno looked at the woman she looked like she was in her 50's time had not been kind to her. The woman looked like she was going to cry. Leone ran over to her

Leone- I got you.... do you know a place where we can talk in private?

Chelsea- my...home

The woman says between sniffles. Minutes passed as the grayish redhead guided us back to her house. It was a small house very modest very much minimalistic. Akeno looked at her surroundings she noticed there were no pictures there was no real decoration it was very much plain.

Leone- Chelsea it's been so long where have you been why didn't you try and reach out to us?

Chelsea- After Palpatine formed the Empire my husband and I left... We had to get away my husband already knew Palpatine's real nature he knew what was going to happen. He didn't realize that Palpatine was going to hunt us down.

Leone- What happened to your husband?

Leone quickly regretted her words as the woman before them started to cry again.

Chelsea- one night they came they killed my husband and they took her.

Leone- who did they take?

Chelsea looked up at her friend

Chelsea- They took my daughter the red blades took my daughter.

Leone looked at Chelsea and surmise that Chelsea's daughter had been force sensitive.

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