part 22 the darkness in space.

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Akame pov

The moment the Imperial shuttle emerged from hyperspace I knew that something horrible had happened. I could feel it through the force that their mission had not met with success. I quickly ran down the quarters in the spaceship heading to the dock. After seeing everybody emerge my suspicions were proven the worst out of the group was Air Her face was completely drained of color as if she had seen a monster.

Akame- what happened?

Leone- it was Vader he was waiting for us.

Akame looks at the faces of everyone in the group

Akame- Who did he kill?

Fuuka looks down not meeting Akame's eyes

Akame- I see...

There was a quiet that permeated everything before the alarms on the ship start going off.

Announcer- An Imperial ship just dropped out of hyperspace I repeat an Imperial ship just dropped out of hyperspace.

Akame turns on her heel and sprints off in the direction of the bridge Air also sprints after her. Not wanting to stand still the rest of the group goes in the direction of the bridge. For the battle that was to come, another message comes over the inner calm.

Announcer- all fighters report to your respected starships and prepare for battle.

As the group makes their way to the bridge they see several rubbles in flight suits heading to the hanger bay to engage the Imperial that just dropped out of hyperspace.

Unbeknownst to the rebels that were about to go out, they would never see anybody they ever loved again.

Vader sat in the cockpit of his advanced Tie interceptor The rebels had acted in a way that he knew they would he knew that they would return to their main space force which to his disappointment their main ship was smaller than a star destroyer even when his agent showed up with the 2-star destroyers there would probably be nothing left. A small contingency of rebel fighters was coming out to meet him they would be of no hindrance to him 10 appeared on his scanner he would deal with them quickly.

Back on the bridge of the rebel ship general Fordo Kurome Wave Shion and Mion are waiting for the rest of the group to enter the bridge

Fordo- it's just one fighter we can deal with this

Wave- The odds are not in this favor.

Kurome- may his death be painless

Just then Akame and her group walk into the command center.

Tatsumi- what's the situation how many fighters?

Shion- just one

Fuuka- that's it

The group watches the computer monitor seeing that the one Imperial fighter blows past 3 starships reducing them to dust. The starship that they were on only had a contingency of 15 starfighters. Meaning the moment they lost the 15-star fighters the ship would have no real defense.

Fordo watch the monitor very carefully before the look on the clone's face changed to one of terror

Fordo- He's about to make a strafing run brace for impact

explosions rocked the ship back and forth it was obvious to everybody on the bridge that the tie fighter that was fighting them was far more advanced and also the pilot was far more dangerous than a normal pilot.

Fordo- what kind of person is flying that thing?

Everyone in the room keeps watching the screen while off to one side Mion says quietly to yourself.

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