part 16 The fortress part 2

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Air pov

Air looked over at Kakumei the boy seemed scared she didn't blame him, however. From the moment they got to the fortress the groups had split up into 3 separate groups. Wave had gone with Leone Akeno and Fuuka we're going to be our eyes outside of the fortress the 2 of them had taken up sniper positions. From the very moment, we entered the facility the cold of the dark side clouded everything. Though it had been years since Air had left her homeworld behind she had never forgotten the unmistakable grip of the dark side from that day. Air reached out with the force in order to gauge where Tatsumi might be. As she reached out with the force she became aware of a familiar presence something she hadn't felt in years. As if reading her mind Kakumei spoke up

Kakumei- Air is something wrong?

Air barely had enough time to answer the boy's question before out of the corner of her eye she saw crimson red blade spinning towards them. Moving quickly with the preternatural speed that the force imbuedon people Air grabbed Kakumei and tackled the boy to the ground. The blade just missing them by a few Centimeters. Moving Quickly Air combines the pieces of her lightsaber and activates the silver blade going into a defensive position. Air followed the blade as it went back on its arc to be caught by a cloaked figure. The figure walked into the light. Air wish she had the power to rip out her eyes but even blind she would see this forever. The woman standing before her was her childhood friend a girl that had been her sister through thick and thin Air was looking at Fal.

Fal's eyes were a sickly yellow color and her skin was corpse white her body was just as firm and strong as it had been when she was younger

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Fal's eyes were a sickly yellow color and her skin was corpse white her body was just as firm and strong as it had been when she was younger. Fal smiled at her friend.

Fal-  I was hoping I'd run into you. And you have the boy with you how pleasant.

Air looked back at Kakumei who had already activated his green blade lightsaber. Air looked back to Fal who simply manipulated or lightsaber in her fingers.

Fal- boy I wouldn't get too close to her if I were you she'll end up leaving you behind just like she left me.

Air- that is a lie we were friends what happened to you?

Fal- I was given the gift of the force and what a great gift it was. But enough about the past let's worry about the future your capture will please Lord Vader.

Fal smiled in a way that froze Air's blood

Air- Vader made you this way

Without a second thought or hesitation, Fal jumped at Air and the lightsaber fight began.

Outsider the fortress Akeno and Fuuka keep an eye on the bass waiting for any signs of storm troopers but surprisingly there were none. It was almost as if the base had been completely evacuated. Akeno looked through the scope of her sniper's rifle.

Fuuka- do you see anything?

Fuuka asked doing anything just to pass the time.

Akeno- no nothing

As the two girls continue scouting they are very much not aware of the slender woman walking up behind them. She makes no move to grab their attention however she draws her curved hill lightsaber just in case. As the women  Closest the distance between the 2 women Fuuka becomes aware of something. Moving quickly Fuuka goes for her blasters to turn around as quickly as she can to fire at whose ever sneaking up on her. Fuuka motions to Akeno using a signal they both agreed on the two women turn around at breakneck speed only to have their weapons pulled from their grasp and both women looking into a pure white blade. The Woman before them had long black hair wearing somewhat unremarkable clothing her lightsaber was a somewhat curved hilt that reminded Akeno of a Katana hilt but the most remarkable thing that both women noticed about the other was her pure red eyes. Instinctually Akeno calls the woman the only name for her that she could.

Akeno- Akame??

Akame looked down at both girls she quickly deactivates her lightsaber and reconnected it to her belt

Akame- get back to the ship

Akeno- but we are here to watch for storm troopers we can't just leave.

Akame looked at akeno

Akame- there are no storm troopers they got moved to another location. This is all been a trap and it's been expertly crafted. I'm going into the bass to get your father and your brother. Now get back to the ship.

Akeno looked at Akame she didn't even refer to her father as her husband or Kakumei as her son. Akeno wanted to yell at her wanted to say something but she knew that arguing with her was pointless at least right now. The 2 girls quickly pick up their weapons and head back to the ship. Akame reaches out with the force to feel out her son's presence but instead feels the overwhelming power the dark side Vader was close she could feel his presence she couldn't precisely nail down where he was but she knew that he was close reaching into her bag she pulls out a pair of electrobinoculars quickly she scans the area until she sees what she's looking for. On the other side of the fortress stood the figure in black that had haunted her since she left her homeworld. Darth Vader was heading in the direction of her troops quickly Akame reaches into her bag to pull out her Communicator. The very moment that she hit the sweat she realized Vader had set up destructors she would never be able to reach her troops she hoped that they would stick to their training and leave at the 1st sign of trouble but she knew in her heart that she probably wouldn't see any of her soldiers again in this world. With a heavy heart, she makes her way to the fortress she had her son that she had to worry about and Tatsumi.

Vader moved with a calm and easy grace that belied his malevolent intend. He was well aware that there were people around. There was a force user doing everything that they could to hide from him but it didn't matter His apprentice would take care of everything they would not leave the planet successfully he was going to eliminate their reinforcements. Vader made his way to the turbolift that would take him down to the lower levels of his castle. With a small gesture of the force, he opened the door The blood bath would begin soon. Elsewhere inside the fortress Wave was beginning the annoying task of slicing into the security system in order to find Tatsumi. It hadn't taken them too long to find him but he was more interested in one of the security feeds that showed Air fighting a blonde-haired woman with a crimson blade while another security feed showed one of the other inquisitors walking towards a storage area and to waves horror he saw Vader. He was making his way into one of the underground caverns beneath the castle heading towards he didn't know where. Leone Popped up behind him to look at the security feed.

Leone- Vader

Wave looked at her

Wave- we need to move I don't know how long he is going to be underground.

Leone looked at another security monitor and recognized a familiar figure making her way into the base. She smiles to herself.

Leone- Wave lets go get Tatsumi

Wave looked at the monitor and realized who the familiar person was.

Wave- Tatsumi is down in sell block 3

Without another word the 2 start to run off in the direction of the prison block.

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