part 23 Old memories

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Akame pov

The fight was brutal I couldn't imagine anything being so brutal clones being shot around me droids dropping. It had been a few months since I had left my temporary home Mine was going to be giving birth within a matter of days I just had to survive. My skills in the force had been increased exponentially over the preceding year since I left my homeworld. Air had asked for my help on a mission. I didn't want to say no to her. Air was back at the Jedi temple reporting to them about her findings her investigation from what Akame could tell was going well. However, she had to admit something to herself she didn't like being on the battlefield with Anakin ever since he left their homeworld he had changed in more ways than one. Air had said he hadn't spent a lot of time with Chelsea all he did was take one mission after another continuously fighting. It was as if he was trying to make up for his past sins. But she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he was hiding something just like he had been on their homeworld. Just then a droid popped up in front of Akame with one quick movement of her lightsaber she bisected the droid.

???- You're just as fast as I remember Akame

Akame looked back at the speaker

Akame- You've changed as well Anakin

Anakin Skywalker the hero without fear the savior of the Republic the Jedi Knight. His appointment to the Jedi Order had caused a bit of an uproar with the higher-ups in the order but he was still allowed in. If Akame had to put a reason for their disconcerting nature it would have to be his complete connection to the supreme chancellor their close relationship. If She had to think of another thing it was probably his even closer relationship with Tomoyo. Obi-wan Kenobi had somewhat become a mentor to skywalker though their relationship wasn't the best Skywalker still appreciated him being a mentor and teaching him the finer points on how to be a Jedi. Just then an explosion went off next to them knocking Akame out Akame didn't see what happened but she could feel it an overwhelming sense of fear of sadness and then of overwhelming rage. Akame woke up several hours later she was in a cabin on one of the Republic starships. Anakin was sitting in a chair looking directly at her.

Anakin- Akame are you ok?

Akame looked over at Anakin his blue eyes seemed so unbelievably kind and lively. She had often wondered what it'd been like if he pursued her instead of Tomoyo. She had to admit that he was handsome and he did have some redeeming qualities. But her mind always drifted back to that time when Anakin had lost his mind. The amount of hate that he had towards the revolutionary army and to Mine.

Akame- will we always be on the same side?

Anakin-  No matter what I'll never let anything happen to you. I'll admit we had some rough patches on our homeworld but we are fighting for the same thing now. Even if I lose my way we will always be friends to the very end.

Akame looked at him and smile just then a clone come into the room

Clone-  General there's a communication for you and for you ma'am a friend of yours is contacting you.

Akame got out of the bed and took the communication she was receiving a message from their new temporary home Mine was going into labor. Akame went to the landing platform inside the star destroyer. Akame looked back at Anakin

Akame-  I guess this is where we part ways.

Anakin-  this isn't goodbye forever we'll see each other again I'm certain of that.

Anakin smiles at Akame as she bored her ship ready to blast off back to her new homeworld

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Anakin smiles at Akame as she bored her ship ready to blast off back to her new homeworld.

Akame awoke in her normal cabin on the Rebel starship it had been a month since their confrontation with Vader and how he had so easily bested all of them. Though they had managed to escape She knew in her heart that he would be going after them and not just him but his inquisitors as well. Akame rolled over so that she could look at the datapad that was close by her bed to her surprise she saw Tatsumi sitting on a chair waiting for her to wake up even though he was already asleep.

Akame smiled even though she wasn't married and even though she and Tatsumi weren't really in love she was happy with her life

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Akame smiled even though she wasn't married and even though she and Tatsumi weren't really in love she was happy with her life. Back when she thought about Anakin and what their life would have been like. She had ultimately came to the conclusion that even though her life would have been exciting with him and even though they had a lot in common Anakin was a loyal person to a fault. However, he would have never been able to completely commit to her in the same way that he wasn't completely committed to Tomoyo she did not doubt that he had loved her but he did it in his way. Just then Tatsumi opened up his eyes and looked down at Akame.

Tatsumi- Akame we found in old Republic medical facility floating out in deep space. General Fordo is suggesting that we go send a party over the capture medical supplies.

Akame quickly rolls out of bed

Akame- We'll get a team assembled so that we can go check it out.

Tatsumi- We already sent a team out they'll reach it soon.

Akame reached out with the force

Akame- I see... Could you leave my room for a little bit so I can get dressed?

Tatsumi gets up from the chair and walks towards the door

Tatsumi- You seem out of it more than usual.

Akame- I'm just thinking of the past.

Tatsumi looked over at Akame

Tatsumi- are you thinking of Green or Anakin?

Akame stopped what she was doing and looked over at Tatsumi. Green and Anakin were both loyal people to what they believed was right however green had unconditionally loved her beyond reason. Anakin by contrast had other connections.

Akame-  I'm just thinking about how much different my life would have been had other things worked out.

Tatsumi-  I know that it was wrong for me to rely so emotionally on you after Mine's death But you did ultimately save my life and you helped raise my daughter as well. And you gave me a son as well.

Akame- yes I'm so proud of him. I wish Anakin and Green could have been alive to see this. I wish they could have helped with the rebel alliance we could have used powerful allies like them.

Tatsumi-  I'm sorry I'm not force-sensitive like you.

Akame looked at Tatsumi

Akame- you know that's not what I Meant. If you had been force-sensitive Vader would have just tortured you for as long as was necessary to draw out your pain to make you fall to be no different than him.

Tatsumi looked down

Akame- Tatsumi I don't regret having your child I don't even regret everything that happened. what I regret is that I wasn't there for the most important parts of life.

Tatsumi-  I'll get out of here so you can get dressed I'm sorry that I bothered you but you really should talk to our son he is walking blindly through this whole force thing. he needs a mentor and as much as I have faith in Air but your his mother.

Tatsumi walks out of Akame's room leaving her with her thoughts.

Akame- Anakin Green what would you guys do in time like this?

Akame looked at A holocaust that she had gotten from Anakin right before she had departed it would help her son if anything. she also was waiting for one of her operatives on the homeworld of the Empire to give her a secret document recordings from the Jedi temple the night that operation nightfall had happened. hopefully, she would get answers that had plagued her mind for years.

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