part 5 flight or fight

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Air looked over the plan that she had gotten from fulcrum. An imperial facility that had once been a Jedi Temple that was now reconfigured to a prison. Fulcrum had stated that it was a friend from the past. Me and Tatsumi waited for the Halo call from fulcrum along with the Kakumei and Akeno. After a few moments the holla, chimes signaling an incoming call. But instead of fulcrum appearing as the hooded figure it was their voice.

Fulcrum- the Imperial prison known as The Citadel is housing Fal as far as I know from my source she's been there for 15 years. I have sent all relative information including a blueprint of the prison.

Air stayed quiet for a long time Tatsumi decided to voice what everybody was thinking.

Tatsumi- this seems a little bit too convenient and what are the odds that she still alive?

Fulcrum- the odds are actually very good my source tells me that she survived all the experiments that have been done on her since her imprisonment. I would like to volunteer you as part of the rescue operation.

Before Tatsumi can say anything Air speaks up.

Air- will do it how many people can we take with us

Fulcrum- I leave that up to you.

Kakumei- hay why can't you help us?

Everyone's eyes  Kakumei.

Fulcrum- I'd like to help but I can't at the present time and moment we'll speak again...... over and out

The Halo communication is cut immediately the atmosphere in the small shuttle seemed extremely tense.

Air- Kakumei you're coming with us on this mission and so is Fuuka. Akeno I need you to stay behind this time around until you're more suited for battle.

Tatsumi looks at Air with a somewhat questioning look but decides to drop it.

Akeno- I'll go get Fuuka.

Akeno walked out of the small shuttle to go fine Fuuka. The moment she was out of earshot Tatsumi World on his son.

Tatsumi- never talk the fulcrum  Unless they address you.

Kakumei- Dad I just..

Air- your heart's in the right place kid but this isn't the time we're going to save somebody that was a childhood friend of mine we lost her right before the breakdown of the Worlds. This is a very personal mission and Fulcrum is extremely busy there will be no backup.

The area in the shuttle went quiet after a very long uncomfortable silence Fuuka walked in the small shuttle.

Fuuka- ok who died.

Air- not funny

Tatsumi- ok let's get this mission started.

Air- you got it, everybody, strap in

The shuttle quickly took off from the planet with one quick entry the small group made the jump to hyperspace.

Time seems to go by at a snail's pace even though the destination was only about 30 minutes away the entire ride seemed longer. Kakumei couldn't explain it but he felt something was off. Fuuka was the one to break the silence.

Fuuka- is this your first mission Kakumei?

Kakumei- yeah I've never done this before.

Fuuka- don't be nervous.

Kakumei- can I ask you a question?

Fuuka- go-ahead

Kakumei- the blue markings on you what do they represent if you don't mind me asking.

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