part 13 Kidnapping

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Starkiller pov

The order had come down my master wanted me to bring him the child. My master wanted me to bring back the boy and undamaged perhaps he intended to make him an inquisiter. The grand inquisiter would be helping with the operation along with one of Lord Vader's Agents.  It would all go down soon the grand inquisiter Would see to it personally however I couldn't help but feel that something very messed up was going on behind the scenes. Why would Vader take such an interest in this boy or was it the emperor taking an interest?  Through the Force, I could sense someone coming towards me.

Serene- you must be Lord Vader's operative

Starkiller looked over at the woman She was interesting, to say the least, though not possessing Force sensitivity herself Lord Vader kept her around because she was good at her job.

Starkiller- yes I am is everything on standby?

Serene- yes the grand inquisiter will lead the assault.

Starkiller- good

In his heart, Starkiller could feel the flow of the dark side of the force something was about to change something horrific. But he couldn't put his finger on what it was. The dark side shrouded everything the darkness he was feeling was far more potent. Was the force trying to warn him of something some in pending doom or was it simply him feeling death approaching.

Serene- are you ok

Starkiller had been so preoccupied with his thoughts that he hadn't heard what Vader's agent had told him.

Starkiller- yes I'm fine

The chiss eyed him suspiciously before turning back around and walking back to the Imperial outpost that was a few miles away. The sun was beginning its climb it was time.

Kakumei dream

I was walking through What appeared to be fire it just didn't burn it didn't do anything to me it just was. Through everything, I could feel the flow of the force or an aspect of it. Was I seeing something from the past or was I seeing something from the future I couldn't tell?  As I continued to walk I could just barely make out a figure in the fire a blue blade of plasma extended from his hand.

I couldn't make out the figure but I could tell that horrible yellow eyes were staring back at me. They were the eyes of a monster and it was so cold. I woke up with sweat dripping from my body. I quickly rolled out of bad I wanted to get to the refresher before Akeno. As I use the force to open up the door to my shock and my horror Akeno had already gotten there She was in the middle of dyeing her hair. With one quick punch, I was quickly thrown out of the refresher. I didn't notice at the time but my sister was only wearing a towel and now that I was looking up at her an angry look laid behind her eyes.

Akeno- You know there's this thing it's called knocking you should try it sometime.

Kakumei- I'm sorry cut me some slack.

Akeno- By the way, you were talking in your sleep again what's wrong with you?

Kakumei- nothing wrong

Akeno-  no something is wrong your acting the same way as mom did right before she disappeared.

Kakumei stayed quiet for a long time he didn't know how to respond to his sister.

Akeno- Things are changing and there moving outside of your control but are you gonna disappear just like mom did? Are you going to leave me and Dad alone?  Whatever your choice ends up being it's not gonna just affect you it's gonna affect everyone around you just keep that in mind.

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