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Both were silent the whole way back to their room. Neither knew how to react to their father's ambitious move. Blackburn never spoke about anything related to an attack on humans let alone with chemical weapons. The reveal to them was of complete shock, how could either of them even process it. Not only that but the abomination of a human was an unsettling sight. Lyra closed the door behind them while

Cassandra ran both her hands over her head and ears. "That was... Something."

It played over in her mind, taking a moment to settle into Lyra and tease her breaking point. She had always done what was asked of her, as did her sister. In return their father had offered them the esteemed position of a test subject as their reward.

No gratitude, no appreciation. The same disappointing outcome had repeated various times in the past, but something in Lyra had been tipped over the edge.

"Fucking careless prick." she cursed as she slammed her foot onto the coffee table causing it to crack and splinter. "Can't believe I put up with him this fucking long!"


"Don't 'Lyra' me, Cass! The bastard had us running around cleaning up messes and burning bodies just to keep his name clean, and in return do we get treated like daughters? Like we're even his family? No, he offers to make us test subjects for poison!" She stomped the table again, nearly splitting it into two.

Cassandra's mind fought against itself in turmoil. She wanted to believe that their father still loved them. That they were all family. However, the more she thought about it, the more she realized. Their father didn't care about them. Not even in the slightest. Her chest ached at the truth but she refused to shed a tear.

Lyra gave a final blow with her arms, destroying the innocent table. She screamed angrily to the remains before pacing back and forth. As she did, Lyra thought of everything she'd done for their father in frustration.

The list started small with scuttling and stealing documents and intelligence. Then grew to killing compounds filled with military and civilian personnel. The larger the list grew, the more fierce her frustration with herself ignited.

How could she let herself be manipulated so easily to become no more important than a simple grunt?

"Damnit!" She screamed. Bruising had formed under her fur but her mind was too busy, too under fire to care.

"Lyra, calm down." Her sister begged.

"No! That bastard is going to get what's coming, and I'm done waiting around for someone else to give him what he deserves."

"Lyra, please." She said, She had never seen Lyra so infuriated and that anger frightened Cassandra.

Lyra stormed out of the living room and vanished from sight, Cassandra's ears folded back as she slammed the door into her own room, no doubt causing further damage.

Once alone Lyra grasped her fur behind her ears as if trying to rip them from her head. She wanted to destroy everything in sight. Her anger towards her father had finally reached its limit. Lyra paced back and forth debating various ways she would get back at him for his negligence.

Maybe she'd empty his accounts and relieve him of his wealth, or sell off billions worth of assets to the new government for cheap. Remove him of his power. Any options she considered seemed near impossible as Blackburn would stop her in her tracks, but she couldn't care. Her debate ended when she saw her duffle bag tucked away under her bed.

Lyra remembered placing it there when she and Cassandra returned from their last deployment. Everything should still be inside, as she admittedly forgot about returning the blood-stained equipment. A new plan formed as she saw it unfold step by step, clear as day in her mind. Blackburn had spoken so highly of his laboratory's newest research, she could destroy it all and vanish while the smoke clears.

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