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The rustling sound of footsteps is heard, as a young soldier sprints through the forest towards the sounds of gunfire.

"Cole, we're getting our asses kicked over here, where the hell are you!" Noah yells into his radio amidst the chaos.

"Almost there, hang on." Cole responds back picking up the pace continuing to make way through the woods. As he rushed forward, the sounds of gunfire were now accompanied by the screams, shouts and explosions of death and destruction. Climbing up a small hill, he arrived at the edge of the forest.

Unslinging his rifle, Cole takes cover behind a downed tree witnessing the enemy close in on the compound's walls. Pulling the charging handle he directs his rifle towards a reptilian fur closest to the compound. Taking a small breath Cole exhales as he finishes lining up the shot.

The rifle cracks to life as Cole watches the reptilian's head jerk to the right and fall to the ground in a small pool of blood. Quickly switching targets he picks off another two unsuspecting furs both dropping dead where they once stood.

"On our flank, left side!" An anthro shouted before a red mist flew out from his back. Multiple furs turned their attention to Cole. Raising their weapons they fire towards him.

Quickly reacting Cole drops his rifle and pushes himself away from the log onto his back as a storm of lead is unleashed upon where his head once was. The bark on the nearby trees splinters off as bullets smash their way into them.

Adrenaline kicks in as Cole reaches back for his weapon, peeking over the log he sees two furs, a wolf and what seemed to be a black leopard coming closer up the hillside.

"Come on Cole, think fast!" lowering his head to remain somewhat hidden from the approaching anthros. Cole's gaze turned to the rifle's fire selector. Flipping the switch to automatic, another spray of bullets flew over head smashing into the trees once more. Cole raises his weapon over the tree and unloads the rest of the magazine, a yelp of pain and a thud are heard as Cole's assault rifle runs dry. Quickly swapping out the mag and slapping the receiver shut Cole slowly stands up, weapon drawn to see a wounded wolf crawling away on his stomach.

"Where did the leopard go?" Cole pondered to himself while watching the nearby trees and rocks that could have been used as cover. Having scanned the area quickly two times over, his gaze soon returns to the helpless wolf as he continues to crawl away. Raising the rifle to the wounded creature, the crack of the rifle is heard once more as he blows a hole through it's back. The wolf cries out in pain one last time before his body goes limp.

"YOU SON OF A~!" the leopard roars as she reveals herself from behind a tree, her weapon pointed towards him. Before she could fire her weapon Cole had already put two rounds into her chest, her body fell back and rolled violently down the hill.

After the two were dealt with Cole returns to his position and resumes taking out fur after fur. The fight went on for another ten minutes as He emptied three out of four mags that he had.

Ejecting the second to last mag a sudden whistle echoes out. Cole's eyes shot up towards the field and watched as the enemy began to retreat. The area goes quiet as the wind starts blowing a small cool breeze. A minute or so passes by and all that can be heard is the gentle wind, Cole rises to his feet and starts towards the compound walls.

Crossing the battle torn area the sight of furs lying about the field brought an eerie feeling. Cole had seen worse, but it made no difference to him, a corpse was a corpse. waving a hand in the air Cole signals one of the three soldiers on top of the wall guarding the compound. One sees him almost immediately and calls to have the front gate opened. As the gate opens a familiar white skull mask appears from behind the gate and begins to walk towards him. Cole reaches up and removes his mask leaving only his balaclava.

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