Off The Grid

432 19 13

"Close the damn curtain!" Carter ordered.

A transport truck was driving by as Sasha quickly pulled the curtains over the window. The group of four struggled to catch their breath as stress and adrenaline ran through their bodies.

"How you holding up, Mav?" Emily asked, reaching out and inspecting his shoulder briefly.

"Just a graze, I-I'm okay." He got out before coughing up a small storm.

Sasha threw over a small bandage wrap at Maverick's feet before Carter began to search the rest of the house. While Maverick tended to himself, Sasha peeked out the window slightly as another truck passed by, then another, then another.

"We're safe for now, but when they begin searching buildings... Нам хана. (We're fucked)" Sasha said, closing the curtain once again then collapsing with her back against the wall.

Soon Emily followed suit taking a seat on the couch accidentally crushing Maverick's tail.

"Hey! What gives?!" Maverick yelped, causing Emily to jump back to her feet.

"Shit, sorry." She quickly turned and apologized.

The three were alone in a room for a few minutes before Carter returned planting his bag in the center of the room where everyone was recovering. The time passed impossibly slowly as Carter waited for the noise outside to settle before digging into the bag.

"This isn't right, Carter. What the hell are we doing?" Emily questioned.

Carter ignored her as he kept digging through the bag, Sasha and Maverick both had their eyes glued to the siblings.

"We just escaped military custody, shot our way out of a friendly occupied facility, killed at least twenty soldiers, the least you could do is tell us what the fuck is going on!" Emily spoke increasingly angrier by the second.

"Blackburn bought her off." Carter stated matter-of-factly.

"What makes you so sure?" Emily questioned, arms crossed.

"One; who is crazy enough to ignore direct government orders? And two; who the fuck else has humans locked up as expendable resources?" Carter answered while pulling out a large laptop.

"It still doesn't add up. Why would Jones double-cross us?" Maverick cut in. "She's been loyal to the N.A.A.C. since its foundation."

"Loyalty can switch with the snap of a finger. Hell, she might not have even been bought off; she could've faked her loyalty her entire career." Carter answered, approaching him with the computer. He held out the device, offering it to him. "Use it."


"We need intel. I take it you can find us Blackburn's personal filing cabinet with a little human tech."

Maverick took and inspected the beat up computer, shaking his head multiple times as he looked it over. "This piece of shit might do its part but I'll need time to get an encrypted connection to just about anything."

"How long do you need?" Carter questioned, trying to avoid unnecessary conversation.

"With one of ours I could've had this encrypted and secured in fifteen minutes, with this I'll need an hour or so roughly."

"Make it happen." Carter ordered, coldness lining his voice.

"You got it, boss!" Maverick gave a mock salute, powering up the device while turning the salute to all but one special finger as soon as his back turned.

Sasha went back to watching the window while Emily approached Carter from his right.

"Paint the big picture for me here, Carter."

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