A Day at the Docks

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"We're almost there. Get your gear ready."

Noah prepared his carbine and kept a focused gaze. The town ahead would hopefully have a boat quick enough to get across the English Channel and over to Calais.

They passed Canterbury half an hour before arriving at the coastal town of Dover. The town, like everywhere else, was abandoned and eerie enough to drive even the most quiet individuals crazy.

Hector pulled the truck over into the parking lot of the marina and parked right next to the front gate leading to the docks. The two walked along the paved path through a small bridge checkpoint leading to a series of small buildings.

Noah looked over the railing and was surprised to see more than enough boats to take roughly a hundred people across the channel.

"Ha, look here we got plenty to choose from. Pick any model you like." Noah sarcastically chimed in.

Hector gave a quick glance over to the small abundance of boats remaining in the dockyard before returning his attention to the building before them.

"First things first, let's check to see if we got keys for any of them that have engines in the main office. After that we're probably gonna need to find some essentials." Hector bluntly spoke ruining Noah's feeble attempt at humor.

"Time to rummage?"

Hector nodded before reaching the set of double doors leading into the main building, the doors were chained together and locked with a padlock holding it tightly in place.

"Too bad we didn't pack bolt cutters." Hector murmured inspecting the lock.

Noah lifted his carbine and tapped the barrel on the lock suggesting a simple solution.

"Too loud, probably a key some-"

"We just drove a truck from London all the way to the coastline of the U.K., I doubt anyone is here." Noah interrupted before swatting Hector's hands away from the lock.

Hector tried in vain to prevent Noah from firing, but with a crack from the carbine the lock snapped open and swung limply from the chains all the while the shot echoed around them.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Hector scolded.

"Shhh, you hear that?" Noah responded by putting his hand up to his ear.

A moment of silence passes before Noah removes his hand away from his head and pats Hector on the shoulder.

"Nothing, nothing at all, relax Hec'." Noah continued, he removed the chains from the doors before dropping them to the ground. "Come on, I don't want to stay long."

Soon after entering the building both Hector and Noah were surprised to see tents and lamps scattered across the floor as if a small community lived inside. Sleeping bags and empty cans of food could also be seen laying around.

"Probably set up shop before ditching out back west." Hector spoke inspecting the nearest lamp lying on the floor.

"You sure about that?" Noah questioned.

A foul stench finally pushed its way past Hector's mask, one he was all too familiar with. Hector turned his head to Noah who was gesturing towards the northern wall. The wall was covered with holes along with a dark maroon color to match the scene. Hector closed his eyes and grimaced at the sight.

Noah and Hector slowly shuffle past the crime scene making sure to take a full look at the dozen bodies that laid peacefully on the ground rotting away.

Within minutes of searching the dock masters office and a few other supply closets the pair withdrew the building now carrying the keys to a decently sized fishing boat and two tanks of gas.

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