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-one hour later-

"HANG ON!" Noah yells as he swerves onto the road. Cole would have fallen out if Noah had turned any harder. Regaining his balance Cole's head darts back to see the rest of Hector's teams in the jeeps behind them.

Not far behind, multiple trucks adorned with the Blackburn insignia appeared. Furs stood up in the back of the truck, weapons drawn.

"Noah step on it!" Cole yells, unslinging his rifle off his shoulder.

"Just keep them busy, I'm going as fast as I can here!" He replies, keeping his gaze glued on the road ahead.

Cole raises his weapon and fires a few rounds into the front of the truck. His attempts at damaging the engine were proved futile as the rounds bounced off of the armor plating protecting it. continuing creeping closer, the truck passes one of the jeeps behind the group.

The truck pulls up side by side next to Cole and Hector, the furs inside the back opening fire. Ducking down waiting for the initial shots to cease, Cole raises his rifle and returns fire, gunning down the four in the bed of the vehicle.

After taking them out, Cole removes a grenade from his jacket's vest and chucks it into the passenger side window. The front of the truck explodes open along with the back end of the engine now engulfed in flames. Cole watches as the truck begins to drift left, smashing through the cliff side railing and off the mountain side altogether.

Noah looks back to see the truck fall over the edge. "Nice one Cole!"

Cole nods towards him before returning his attention to the pursuing vehicles. The squad enters a mountainside tunnel, still being pursued by two trucks. The first was attempting to pull up on the groups left while the second rams into the jeep behind them causing it to spin out of control and roll violently enough to throw one of the soldiers inside against one of the stone pillars holding up the tunnel like a rag doll.

"Truck moving up on the left! We're being boxed in!" The tag-along yelled.

The second truck moves in, attempting to trap them with the other. Quickly reacting Cole points his rifle at the front tire of the truck on the left. A sudden pop equivalent to a small explosion goes off from the tire as the truck loses control. The truck collides with the tunnel's wall and flips, causing the second truck to hit its breaks and flip itself.

"Karma's a bitch, ain't it?!" Cole shouts to the wreckage behind them.

A fourth vehicle pulls up but this one stays a fair distance behind.

'Why isn't it approaching like the other two?' Cole thinks to himself.

He stares at it confused until a shark anthro peeks from the back of the truck.

"RPG!" Hector yells.

Cole readied his rifle once again, ready to take the fur's head off of its shoulders. Pulling the trigger he was met with a heart-stopping click.

"Shit, get down!" He shouts as the shark fires the missile.

The missile hits the tunnel wall barely missing its target. The blast shook the Jeep as Noah swerved left to regain control after the explosion.

Reloading the rifle and slamming the receiver shut, Cole raised his rifle to the shark's head and pulled the trigger.


Shortly after exiting the tunnel, a helicopter flies overhead as the group is relentlessly followed closely by Blackburn's trucks.

"We've got more company! Troop truck closing fast!" The soldier next to Cole calls out.

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