Before the Storm

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"Hey, human. You awake?" A voice echoes through Cole's mind as it throbbed in pain.

"Little shit ain't goin' ta answer you, dumbass. Come on 'fore selection gets 'ere." A second voice chimed in followed by footsteps.

The throbbing eased as his senses slowly began to revive. Eventually Cole was able enough to groan and open his blurred eyes to his surroundings.

'Swear to god, if I get fucking put under again!' Cole thought furiously.

How many times and how many ways had he been knocked out in the last few weeks? Blood loss, the doctors, and most recently just being shot by the general. If he wasn't killed soon by his captors then maybe the constant in and out of consciousness would drive him mad.

He opened his eyes to be met with a familiar feeling of dread as he realized he was in yet another cell.

"Go figure."

The cell walls were painted white and reflected whatever light was coming through the hallway, other than that there seemed to be no other source of light.

Sitting up in the cot Cole looked around at his vacant surroundings, there wasn't much in the room other than the cot he was positioned on and a camera watching him in the upper corner next to the door.

The red glow of the camera illuminated the small corner it was tucked away into, making Cole wonder who was watching him. After giving the one-fingered salute to the camera Cole caught a glimpse of his new attire.

He was no longer wearing his jacket and camo pants, rather a gray jumpsuit with a barcode stitched just below the left shoulder

"Damnit, I really liked that jacket." He said. He would miss the item gifted to him by his brother.

He swung his legs over the side of the cot to stand up, instead exchanging greetings with the floor accompanied by a flare of pain through his legs. Luckily it didn't hurt as much as before.

With a grunt of pain Cole ran both his hands through his hair as he forced himself up, gritting his teeth as he went. He proceeded to pace around the room, attempting to slowly get his leg used to moving again. After a moment's pass the pain subsided enough for Cole to hardly notice it.

"Much better."

A buzz sounded off as the door busted open. Cole jumped, immediately facing the opening as he backpedaled against the wall.

Two wolves walked in holding small machine guns both pointed directly at him.

"πάμε αγόρι."
(Move boy)
one of the two spoke in a foreign language to Cole.

Cole crooked his head sideways slightly as he didn't understand what the wolf had said. The wolf spoke the same phrase again using his head this time to gesture toward the doorway.

Cole seemed to have understood this time that he wanted him to leave with them. Raising his arms behind his head he began to walk towards them. One grabbed his shoulder pressing his weapon into his back as he practically shoved him along through the doorway and out into the corridor.

Both wolves escorted him through the darkened hallways without saying a word until they reached an elevator of sorts at the end of the corridor of cells.

"σε ποιον στοιχημάτισε σήμερα;"
(Who'd you bet on today?)

One of the two spoke, pressing the button to signal the elevator to them. Cole once again didn't understand the conversation leaving him frustrated having to listen hopelessly to the language.

"Πόνταρα διακόσια στο κόκκινο σήμερα."
(I wagered two hundred on red.)

The other wolf responded.

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