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"Everyone knows what they're getting correct?" Maverick asked while the group was still huddled around the map covered table.

"I've got groceries and medicine, Sasha?" Carter answered while looking at Sasha to answer next.

"Wheels." She answered with a grin.

"Good, I've got clothes. Toots is with me." Maverick finished hiding his subtle smile.

Both Carter and Sasha looked to Emily waiting for her reaction to the not so subtle shot taken at her. To no one's surprise she immediately glared at him with a threatening expression.

"Don't call me that.'' She then upholstered her unloaded pistol and placed it on the table. "Next time I'll use this."

"No guns." Both boys spoke unanimously.

"The less trouble the better. Besides, it'll help keep the search lights off of us a little while longer." Maverick said while tapping a red thumbtack. "At the end of the day, we'll meet up here and evaluate what we have and see what else we need. After that... Who knows?"

"Good plan, Scales." Carter scoffed, slapping the left shoulder of the dragon.

This annoyed Maverick heavily and ignited the fuse that usually lasted a long while. Due to the horrible sleep he had gotten, that fuse was easily cut short and lit.

"Shut up, you could've chipped in whenever you liked, but last I checked you've been asleep all morning." Maverick snapped angrily.

"Sorry, I was busy with other things last night. Like keeping watch all night." Carter responded, acting innocently with a shrug.

"So you didn't read the files?!"

Carter didn't answer. Instead he began to back up towards the front door. "Wish I could stay and chat but I believe we're all on tight schedules."

After opening the door and escaping the conversation, Carter slammed it on his way out, no doubt running off in the process. Maverick stood with eyes glued to the door as if waiting for Carter to return for him to scold.

"Welp... Now that he's begun his run; I suggest we do ours." Sasha spoke, breaking the silence before walking to the door herself.

Maverick stood dumbfounded now as only he and Emily remained in the building. Emily zipped up the last duffel bag and walked past the still reptile.

"You coming?"

"Yes..." Maverick scowled, before stalking out the door himself followed by Emily.

As they exited the building which turned out to be a vacant apartment flat, Emily closed the front entrance leaving it unlocked. "Hopefully whoever owns this joint believes he left the door unlocked."

"We'll see, we didn't touch anything other than sleeping on the couch in the back office." Maverick replied, holding out a hand offering to take the bag from her.

Emily accepted the offer to alleviate herself from the duffle bag's uncomfortable feeling despite not having much inside. She handed it off to Maverick who threw the bag over his head, sliding his arms through the straps all in one fluent movement and adorning it like a backpack.

"True." Emily reaffirmed.

The pair strolled down the street passing by multiple blocks. Every so often a car would pass by, alerting the pair to hide their faces from the driver. Whether that is by looking away or admiring the cement beneath them.

Conversation didn't really sprout from the two as most days they hardly saw each other unless it was on missions. That was sure to change sooner or later as the circumstances regarding the pair have changed from who to whom they kill to whom they could trust.

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