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Leah POV

After pretty much 6 months of Emily toing and froing between London and Uni, I was starting to get back on my feet, and regain my independence.

I will be forever grateful of the lengths she has gone to for me.

Despite this, I had an overwhelming feeling of guilt that I just couldn't shake.

Emily didn't deserve what I had done. any of it. I knew I had to tell her, but I knew it would ruin us. there was no going back from this.


Emily and decided to go on our break just over a week ago now. I was a mess. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't socialise, everything was off.

The girls knew what had happened, even if I didn't tell them, I didn't have to.

despite calling it a break, both em and I knew it was a break up. we weren't together, I think we just both had in our minds that it was only temporary, whilst I got my head screwed back on.

In an attempt to lift me out of this hole I was living in, the girls decided to drag me out on Saturday night after a big win.

I really didn't want to go, but I couldn't not. I had no excuse. I tried my best to plaster on a smile and act like I was enjoying it. over time, the smile began to become less and less forced and more natural, helped along by the drinks that just kept coming.

it was all a temporary escape. for the first time, I felt okay. I didn't feel like I was utterly alone. my thoughts were no longer consuming me, and Emily was merely a thought in the back of my head.

after downing the last few sips of my drink, Katie grabbed me by the arm and led me to the dance floor. at first I was stiff, uncomfortable to say the least, but as the night went on, and the drinks kept flowing, so did my confidence.

whilst I was dancing, I kept noticing a petite brunette from across the dance floor. she had a captivating smile with eyes that held a sense of mystery.

I found myself gravitating towards her. We started dancing together, moving to the rhythm of the music. In that moment, it felt like a fleeting connection, a way to fill the void Emily's absence had left behind.

A few moments later, the girl leaned in causing her lips to connect with mine. in that instant, I didn't even hesitate to pull away. a tidal wave of guilt rushing over me.

End of Flashback

The memory of that night haunted me. I had betrayed Emily's trust, even though we were technically on a break. I knew deep down that it was no excuse, that my actions had consequences, and that I had hurt the person I loved most.

With a heavy heart, I knew I couldn't keep this hidden any longer. I needed to be honest with Emily, to tell her the truth, no matter how much it pained me to do so.

One evening, as we sat together, the words spilled out of me, each one feeling like a weight lifted off my chest. "Emily, there's something I need to tell you," I began, my voice shaking.

She looked at me with concern, her eyes searching mine. "What is it, Leah? You can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for her reaction. "During our break... I kissed someone else. well she kissed me. I pulled away instantly. It was a moment of weakness, and I regret it more than anything. I'm so sorry, Emily."

The room fell silent, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me before?" she asked softly.

"I was ashamed," I admitted, tears welling up in my eyes. "I didn't want to hurt you, and I knew that what I did was wrong. But keeping it a secret only made the guilt worse."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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