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Emily POV

Leah had warned me that she was setting an early alarm, but that didn't make it any easier when the ringtone echoed through the room at 7am.

Luckily, I didn't actually have to get up, Leah just wanted to get to the gym before she had all of her errands to run. 

when I herd the alarm, I tried not to open my eyes. I just groaned and rolled over into Leah who had sat up a little.

I could sense her scrolling through her phone for a little bit whilst she ran her fingers through my hair as I was drifting back to sleep.

a few moments later she kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

I must of drifted back to sleep instantly as the next time I woke was to Leah banging the front door shut on her return.

I moaned in response which Leah clearly herd as she started to giggle as she walked up the stairs.

"and here I was thinking you'd have breakfast waiting for me on the table when I got back" she joked as she clambered on top of my sleepy body, still covering myself with the duvet

"too early" I groned

"tough crowd" Leah responded


"well I'm gonna shower and get ready and then go out for a bit if you still want to come, but you should probably get up now" she said standing up off the bed

I pulled the duvet off my face

"I need to shower" I said innocently

Leah looked at me, smirking mischievously before reaching down and picking me up, throwing me over her shoulder 

"LE PUT ME DOWN" I screeched 

she didn't respond, instead she ran into the bathroom and lowered me down onto the toilet seat, much to my relief

"can we do Christmas after we run errands?" I asked, both of us now in the shower

"if that's what you want"

"yes please"

we finished up in the shower and both went to change. I just settled for a casual jeans and jumper look and Leah went for cargos.

our first stop was the venue for tonights party. Leah just had a few last minute things to check on and wanted to make sure everything was on track.

Leah had hired out a restaurant in London for tonight, something that she had been wanting to do since before I met her.

everything was building up tonight, I really hoped it went well for her.

as we went up in the lift to the top floor of the London sky scraper, we were greeted by a waitress, who looked about Leahs age.

if you dont know Leah, you might not know that she is naturally an extremely flirtatious person, something I had grown to accept.

at least I thought I had, until now.

as we wandered around the empty restaurant, Leah and this girl shared an energy that was hard to describe. they were bouncing off each other and just having a good conversation. 

despite me being right by Leah's side, even holding her hand, It was difficult for me to get a word in sideways.

we weren't at the restaurant for long, maybe 15 minutes as everything seemed to be going smoothly.

I know Leah didn't mean what she was doing, she was just being friendly, but It kind of put me in a bad mood.

I decided to let Leah finish her errands on her own and I headed back to the apartment, using the excuse that I wanted to put some final touches on my Christmas presents without her there.

I knew Leah Saw right through me but she didn't question it.

to be fair, I did need to write her card, but that didn't really warrant leaving early.

I went home and slumped on the sofa, getting lost In my phone and being broken from my trance 2 hours later when Leah returned for the second time.

this time, she returned with a bunch of flowers and an apologetic look

"im sorry, I just can't help it some times. I am always just trying to be friendly and I think that gets mistaken for me flirting. I would never ever intentionally flirt with anyone on purpose, I hope you know that" Leah blurted out before I had even had chance to move from the sofa 

"I know, I know you dont mean it, its just one of the worse feelings when your practically your girlfriend cross a line when your standing right there, whether you mean it or not" 

"I know. im sorry, I really am, ill work on it. please can we not let it get in the way of tonight, or even more importantly, Christmas" Leah said, causing a smile to appear on my face.

we decided to exchange our presents quickly, as we didn't want to make a big deal over it. neither one of us saw it as a big deal, and plus, we both wanted to get a nap in before the party.

Leah and I exchanged presents, one buy one.

I started by giving Leah her first one, a necklace with an E on it, to match the necklace she got me for my birthday.

I also got her a framed photo of us, a cookbook because im trying to make her learn to cook, a vase that she said she wanted and a letter that she wasn't allowed to read yet.

it wasn't anything special, as we said to keep it small, but Leah was happy.

We then moved onto Leah's gifts. she went more down the clothes route. she got me a pair of trainers, clearly not getting the low key memo, a phonebook and a pair of trousers.

overall we were both happy, and could tick off our first Christmas together as a couple.

we didn't spend ages doing this and headed back to bed for our nap as the hours were flying by before the party.

Two WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora