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Emily POV:

Today uni finished for Christmas, and Leah was coming to pick me up to take me home. dont ask why, it wasn't exactly on route, she just wanted to.

she was going to come back and meet my family anyway, but she insisted on making the detour to pick me up. i had a lot of stuff, so it helped me out

I had a lecture before she was due to pick me up, so I dropped her a text when I was on my way into uni.

Emily: u good for later?

Leah: Yup, about to leave, cant wait to see you x

I was really excited for her to meet my parents. I knew they would all get along. this was the. first person I had introduced to them, but that didn't really scare me.

They knew about Leah from the beginning, but there has never been the right time where everyone was free to introduce them. it was the same with me and her family, but that was soon going to change as Leah had invited me to spend New Years with her and her friends, and then New Years day with her family.

it was something I was very nervous for. I was also nervous to tell my parents, as we had spent New Years day together every day since I was little.

my lecture flew by, all two hours of it, which was unusual as they usually drag on. I think it was the excitement. the last time I saw her was three weeks ago now when I went to London for the weekend. that felt like a lifetime ago.

after my lecture I headed home to back my bags. Leah was going to be here in an hour and I still had so much to do.

I was going home for a month so I had plenty to get packed. 

the hour flew by and Leah was knocking on our front door. I had told her to just text, but she said she wanted to surprise me with her arrival. that would of been a good idea if she hadn't told me what time she was coming or if I didn't have her location on find my friends.

when I heard the door bell ring my face lit up, despite trying to act cool and collected.

I rushed to the door and opened it, flinging my arms around my girlfriend who was stood before me.

Leah just held me for a few minutes as I buried my head in her neck. I could tell we both missed each other as neither of us said anything, we just enjoyed the reunion.

after realising that it was raining a little bit we headed inside to collect my things and Leah put them into the car whilst I said goodbye to my house mates.

it was a quick pitstop for Leah, and I felt bad due to the amount of driving she was doing, but she said she didn't mind.

after the goodbyes, we got into the car and set off for home. we discussed eventing that had happened in the last few weeks when we had been apart, for big events to small. although nothing was new, we both had already told each other everything over text or on the phone, but it made such a difference hearing it from them in person.

the journey went quickly and we soon pulled into my family house's driveway.

leahs hand gripped mine and I could sense her nervousness

"they're going to love you" I smiled as Leah put the car into park

I could see my mum through the window as we got out of the car. she let out a smile and then headed toward the front door. Leah and I left my stuff in the car for now as we headed inside.

mum didn't say anything, I just gave her a hug. as we were doing this, Leah stood awkwardly behind us, and my dad emerged from another room.

"You must be the famous Leah then" my dad said as he reached out his hand for Leah to shake

"wait, I didn't mean famous in that way.. I meant, nevermind" 

Everyone laughed at my dads awkwardness. I watched Leahs shoulders drop a bit as she knew that everyone else was just as awkward as her.

Nice to meet you leah smiled

"Emily's done nothing but talk about you since that netball match back in the summer. Who'd of thought we'd be here today huh, surprised you stuck around for this long!" Dad joked

"Even Ben couldn't stop talking about you!"

"alright alright that will do. dont want to make Leahs head any bigger do we" I said to calm everyone down

after the first introductions, my dad and Leah brought my things inside whilst me and mum caught up.

I watched on at Leah and dad out of the window, they both had smiles on their faces and seemed to be having a good conversation.

"she seems just right for you" mum said bringing me back out of the trance I was in

"why dont I believe you when you say that"

I could always tell when mum wanted to say something but didn't. when she was hiding something

"just be careful, you live two different lives" she sighed

I knew she was just being protective, and I knew where she was coming from, it was her job as a mother to say it

before I could respond, dad and Leah were back in the kitchen.

they had formed a bit of the team in their 5 minutes alone and dad had decided that Leah was going to help him light the fire, since when was that a two man job I thought to myself.

whilst they were doing that, I headed up to my room to make an attempt at unpacking. I was one of those people who always had to unpack, I could not just have a bag in my room or live out of a suitcase.

about 20 minutes later, Leah appeared at my door.

"your dads great" she said

"im glad you get along" I said walking over and wrapping my arms around her

the evening went pretty quickly, with both Leah and I being exhausted, so we just ate dinner and headed to bed.

tomorrow I was going to give Leah the full tour of the town, much to her delight.

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