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Leah POV:

as the weekend drew to a close, it was time for me to head back into London. I had plenty of training coming up before the Christmas break.

It was only goodbye for just over two weeks, as Emily was spending New Years with me, when we had also decided to celebrate Christmas.

we only decided that because we forgot that we should of done it now, and neither of us had gotten all of our presents for the other together.

it was a fairly easy goodbye, on the scale of goodbyes. we knew when we were next going to see eachother and we were both fairly busy for the time we would be apart, so it was going to be fairly easy on both of us.

if I was honest, I was ready to leave, I had so much to do, and completely forgetting about Christmas presents hadn't helped.

I had no idea what to get Emily.

we said we were going to keep it small, im just not sure how much Emily meant it

saying this, I did have a rough idea of some clothes I wanted to get her, since she non stop complains that I have a better sense of style than her


As if I had planned it, as soon as I walked through my apartment door, my phone started to ring, it was Keira.

God I missed her

"what you doing tomorrow?" she abruptly said

I was confused, I thought she was still in Barcelona

"training first thing, why?" I asked in response

"im in London" she giggled

"great you can help me go Christmas shopping for Emily" I said.

Christmas shopping for Emilys presents was all I was thinking about for some reason.

"ill pick you up after my training tomorrow, we can grab lunch Aswell" I continued


training was over so I texted Keira to let her know id be with her soon. she still had an apartment in London, despite her move to Barcelona, somewhere that I had spent so much time in a few years ago, I loved that place.

leaving training now, will be 20 mins

Soon enough I pulled up outside and Keira was stood waiting for me. she had clearly been stalking my location like she always used to do, nothing had changed.

"took your time Williamson" she said getting into the car

"got enough layers on there?' I joked in response

Keira was wearing what looked like two jumpers, a coat and a scarf

"Im Spanish now, did you not get the memo?"

we both laughed

"how ive missed you" I said

we caught up for a little while until we parked up in the centre of London. by talking I mean Keira taking the piss out of me for everything possible.

We had decided to grab lunch first, both of us complaining of hunger. we found a small little cafe restaurant that looked quite nice, somewhere new that neither of us had been. 

We both had noticed some attention on us for this simple lunch, but tried to ignore it. 

"so what's new with you, how's Emily?" Keira asked as we handed our menus to the waitress who just took our order

I looked at the waitress nervously to see if she was paying attention to our conversation, I didn't want to risk anything getting leaked.

"im really good, Emily is good, everything is good, im happy" I said once the waitress was out of earshot

"in love?" Keira questioned

I just smirked in response

I wasn't really sure, if I was honest, I was definitely heading that way, I just wanted to make sure before I started telling people, even Keira.

We moved on to talk about Barcelona and Keiras new life, basically touching on everything by the time we had finished lunch.

we headed out of the restaurant and walked towards Oxford street in hopes of finding some Christmas presents. Kei was happy to accompany on this, saying that she needed to do some Christmas shopping herself.

we headed into pretty much every store, we went passed, picking up a few things here and there, but still coming out empty handed in terms of Emily. 

"I just want her to love it" I said, huffing as we left another store with nothing for Emily

"I think your overthinking this too much" Keira chuckled

I was too much of a perfectionist for this, especially when it came to people I cared about.


**kind of gave up on this chapter - sorry! was a struggle to write and wasn't really going anywhere so just wanted to get on with the next ones.

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