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The next day

Emily POV

I woke up to a text from Leah

Leah: thanks for last night, I really enjoyed it, and im not just saying that. here are a few tickets for later, thought you could bring some friends xx

I immediately responded, as I hoped to catch her her before she was doing all of her game prep

Emily: no problem, I had a great time too. thanks for the tickets, looking forward to seeing you later

I was really excited for the game later, even though I wasn't really much of a football fan. I was a Leah fan if that counts. 

I really liked her, which was rare for me to admit. I don't usually catch feelings that easy. this time it was different. but how would it work, we live two different lifestyles.

the day soon passed and it was time to head to the game. Leah had given me four tickets so I roped my friends in, Ben, Ewan and Georgie. Only ben knew about Leah, the others didn't really care, they were just up for going to watch some football.

we got to the game and took our seats, the girls were all warming up. I noticed Leah but she was focused and didn't notice me.

"how did you get these tickets so last minute em?" Ewan asked. he was a huge football fan and had tried to get tickets himself, but failed

"oh, I know someone playing and she had a few friends and family tickets spare" I responded shyly

"what, you know someone playing for England? how have I never known this" he looked shocked

"yeah, she knows her quite well actually" ben smirked

"yeah, I know Leah Williamson, Issy introduced us" I said

"kept that one quiet" Ewan huffed jokingly

"which one is she" Georgie asked from beside me

"the one waving at me right now" I said smiling back at Leah who was heading back into the tunnel

everyone turned to look at Leah, I could tell she got shy and she stopped waving and put her head down. it was cute.

90 mintes later, or near enough, the game was over. England had won convincingly. Leah played very well.

They were doing a lap of the pitch. Leah and the girls were approaching where we were sitting and she put her hand up to wave me down.

I didn't quite understand what she was telling me at first, but Ben filled in the gaps of my brain. 

All four of us stood up and headed down to the barrier. there were loads of people waiting for photos and autographs but Leah made a b-line straight for me. I felt special.

she reached over and gave me a huge hug 

"well played" I said with my head buried in the crook of her neck.

"thanks" she responded pulling away

We spoke for a few minutes but she couldn't hang around so we said out goodbyes and that was that, unsure of the next time I would see her.

The four of us headed out of the stadium and into town for our usual Saturday night antics, or in other words, sitting in the bull garden till 2am.

it was about 9pm and I got a text from Leah

Leah: thanks again for coming, are you about tonight? me and a few of the girls are out for some celebratory drinks, might have a stop at the bull! xx

"who's that" Georgie asks as she notices me smiling at my phone

everyones eyes darted my way, awaiting my response

"woah, spotlights on me I guess." I laughed

"just Leah, she and some of the team are out for a few drinks" I said putting my phone down

"invite them here" Ewan exclaimed

"no better place than the bull on a saturday night" ben said

I replied to Leah

Emily: no worries, thanks again for the tickets. yeah, im out, in the bull right now! do you want to stop by for a drink or two? xx

about 20 minutes later Leah came through the door to the garden, followed by a few others.

"hey" I said standing up to hug her

everyone exchanged introductions as they took their seats. 

Leah sat next to me, squished on a bench seat only designed for one whilst the others dotted themselves around the spare seats.

"you were right, em, this is a cool garden" Leah said 

"why would I lie"

everyone laughs and the conversation flows between everyone

mine and Leah's hands were subconsciously almost touching. I only noticed when Leah moved hers to point at something. she didn't place it back down where it was, instead she took it under the table and placed it on my thigh, just above my knee.

I don't know if she knew what she was doing or whether it was on purpose, but it seemed natural to her compared to me who was freaking out struggling to compose myself. the butterflies were unreal.

time flew by and Leah and the girls had to go so I walked them out

Leah and I hung back a bit, hand in hand, and let the others walk in front of us

we were outside, the others had turned the corner so we were out of sight and Leah turned to me

"I told myself that I wasn't going to get involved with anything or anyone right now and I was going to focus on the football, but I wasn't expecting you to come along." Leah said now holding both of my hands

"you can blame issy for that" I joked. I didn't really know where this was going or what to say so I refrained from putting my feelings on the line

"what are you trying to say here?" I asked nervously

"I don't really know, that's the point. but I do know the the Euros are my number one priority right now, and my 2nd and 3rd priority. I dont know what that means for us, but I think we can figure that out once this is all over, yeah?" she said

"sounds good" I responded. I dont know why, but my heart was broken a bit. there was no reason for this though. why would she put me before her career.

as we were talking leahs phone rang, it was only kiera

"hey, did you get lost" she said

"don't worry im just talking to Emily, ill catch up" Leah replied and hung up

"sorry" she said

"look, Leah, im not getting my hopes up and im trying to not leave myself open to getting hurt here. but ive enjoyed the two times we have met" we both laughed "and I want to continue that and see where it goes, but I understand football is your priority at the moment and that's okay with me, I understand"

Leah didn't say anything for a few seconds and just hugged me

"I like you, I really do, just bare with me, okay" she said lifting my chin up

We held eye contact for a few seconds before Leah leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips before she walked off

Leah really knew how to pull at my heart strings

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