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Emily POV

It was mid afternoon when Leah and I got home and both of us were exhausted for no apparent reason, it wasn't as if we had had a strenuous day.

we walked through the front door and collapsed down onto the sofa in the living room

"film?" I asked Leah, just wanted to relax for the rest of the day

she nodded her head and stood up to collect a blanket from the other side of the room

we wrapped ourselves up and snuggled down into each other, chasing to watch Arthur Christmas, a personal favourite that Leah said she had never seen, much to my dismay.

I got lost in the film, not paying attention to my surroundings, or noticing that my dad had joined in on the festivities of film watching, nor that Leah had drifted off to sleep.

I picked up my phone to take a picture of a sleeping Leah resting her head on my chest but was shocked to see numerous notifications from Ben.

Ben: you seen this?

Ben: Em, thought you were staying private

I opened up our text thread to see screenshots of some tweets about Leahs run in with fans later.  they were commenting on me. who was I, was I Leahs mystery girl?

I decided to have a look for myself.

To be honest, I was bracing myself for the worst, but that wasn't what I got. there was just a few speculating tweets saying that Leah had been spotted with a mystery girl in a bookshop, they still didn't know my identity.

I took my search to TikTok, which was what I was more nervous for.

Again, I didn't see much, but there was one TikTok that made me a bit nervous. it had a picture of me. only the back of me, but still, it was a picture.

it was Leah and I looking at a book. I remember the exact moment. it was Alex Scott's Autobiography, I had made a joke to Leah about buying one and getting Alex to sign it.

it was crazy that someone had taken a photo of that interaction.

I tried not to get myself worked up about it. this was only one TikTok, and it hadn't got many views. I reported it and closed the app and focused on the film.

Leah POV:

I hadn't realised that I had drifted off during the film. I woke up assuming that I had just been out for 5 minutes or so, but Emily informed me that I had missed the entirety of it, much to her despair.

"we have to watch it again now" she said, huffing

I thought she was joking, but the look she gave me indicated otherwise.

"okay okay" I responded

"we got papped today" she said, looking into the distance, not making eye contact with me. I was confused, which I knew she could sense

"at the bookshop, someone took a photo of us"


my heart started to pound

"shit" I said, lifting my body up off the sofa so that I could have a proper look at Emily. I hoped I could read her facial expressions so I knew what she was feeling, but I couldn't, she just held a stern look on her face

"can I see?" I asked

Emily passed me her phone and showed me the tiktok, and then some tweets about us

User34584398 have we finally got an ID on Leahs girlfriend?

darcyjones_ looks like the same girl as Leahs story

williamsonfanxx must be the girlfriend, any idea who she is yet? I want to stalk and see if she is good enough for my Leah

"its just a photo, em, you can't even see your face, they still dont know any details about you" I said, trying to reassure her, but also myself

"I know, its more that all of this has happened, what, about a month into our relationship, what situation are we going to be in in 2, 3, 4 months time"

Emily was right. but there was nothing I could do. this was my reality, and I hated that I was dragging someone else into it, but there wasn't really an alternative.

I was not about to go into hiding every time I was with Emily, and not leave either of our houses and not step foot in public.

I decided to leave the conversation where it was, I didn't want to argue with Emily. 

as I took a deep breath, I saw a tear running down Emily's face. she turned away and tried to not let me see it.

I didn't comment, just pulled her closer to me.

after sitting in a comfortable silence for a little while, Emily got summoned by her mother to help prepare dinner.

it gave me an opportunity to send Alex a text

Leah: have u seen this? how do I keep a private relationship when stuff like this happens one month in

I sent her the TikTok, along with screenshots of the tweets

Alex: Yikes, nightmare. not sure there is anything you can do. you can't live under a rock when you with her. you have to somehow put her first despite all of this

Alex was right. this was Emilys life just as much as mine, if not more. she didn't want to be in the public eye and I guess that is what is most important, I have to try and protect her, god knows how I would do that thought.

After contemplating the whole series of events for a little while, I joined Emily and her mum in the kitchen, offering to help.

Em's mum set me to work as Emily called it, ordering me to cut some vegetables. I was happy to help.

moments like these made it worth it, I wasn't thinking about what had happened earlier, all I was thinking about was the moment, being with Emily and her family, where no one else opinions mattered.

tweets and ticks etc a about people seeing Emily with leAH IN TOWN - is this new girlfriend? who is she?

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