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Emily POV

I don't know what it is. I can't put my finger on it. I think Im just overthinking it all. I got what she was saying tho, the question really did take her by surprise

I just can't help but get over how stupid of a comment that was, surprise or not, there are just some things that should be avoided.

I didn't have the energy to argue. I was leaving soon. there was no point leaving with unfinished business.

"you are so special to me, i want you to know that, some things I say dumb things, but its never my intention to hurt you, I hope you know that" Leah continued

"I know." I sighed

"I think this world is going to take some adjusting to" 

Leah reached out her arms, indicating for me to rest my head on her chest.

it wasn't worth holding a grudge.

"as long as you know how I feel, that's all that should matter" Leah continued

I understood where she was coming from. I think she was trying to protect me if anything. I wasn't part of her world, nor did I want to be. the spotlight wasn't for me

"I know. just sometimes its nice to not be hidden" I responded

I dont really know why we were saying all of this. we weren't together, we were just hanging out.

"also, I have something to tell you, or ask you, im not so sure" Leah said

I sat back up, so that I could look at her. Leah gave a lot away in her facial expressions.

"I dont want to see anyone else. I dont want to do this with anyone else, and I just wanted to know if you were on the same page?" she said shyly

was this her saying she wants to be exclusive?

I had a big grin on my face, which I think gave it all away.

I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss.

"ill take that as a yes then" she said, breaking our lips apart

it was soon time for me to start packing so I headed up to Leah's room where all of my stuff was.

Leah didn't follow me upstairs, Alex had rung her so she hung back to speak to her.

I had just about put all of my stuff back into my bag and Leah came upstairs to help

"what're your plans with your friends for the next few days?" she asked, sitting on her bed

"im not really sure. probably just eat some food, drink some drinks"

"well, if you want, if your not busy or have other plans, Al just invited me for a few drinks with some girls on saturday night, maybe you guys could meet us there?"

my heart sunk a little bit.

I had been completely in my own bubble about all of this, that I hadn't actually told my friends about Leah. 

I kind of liked being in my own bubble with it all, but knew it couldn't stay that way

I knew I was now going to be stressing throughout the day of the perfect way to tell my friends about Leah.

I couldn't break it to Leah that I hadn't told her about people, that would really upset her

"yeah, that sounds like fun, ill talk to the girls and see what our plans are, sound good?"

Leah nodded with a smile

"you had better get going" Leah said

I hadn't realised the time and she was right. I was due to meet the others in 20 minutes. luckily Leah didn't live too far away, only two stops on the tube

"im coming with you by the way" she said as we headed downstairs

I just looked at her confused

"not to see. your friends, of course, but on the tube. Im gonna go get a smoothie with some people"

I could see right through Leah. she just didn't want me to get the tube on my own


we left her apartment together, Leah offering to wheel my suitcase

before we knew it, we were saying goodbye and parting ways. It was a brief goodbye, we were on the tube so we couldn't really make scene out of it

I kissed her goodbye and a few seconds later I was leaving the train, on my own.

my friends weren't far away, however, they were just up the stairs waiting for me

little did they know who I was kissing goodbye, nor where I had ben staying.

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