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Emily POV:

"Yeah, I've only got one ticket left though, so will you be ok on your own? My family and some other friends have the other tickets, so you will know people sat next to you" Issy said down the phone.

She had a spare ticket to her game on Saturday that she was giving me. she knows how much I love to watch her, so she always gives me a ticket if she can.

"Great, yeah, that will be fine, I'll survive, see you Saturday" I replied before I put the phone down

Saturday soon rolled around, so I hopped in my car and headed to the game. Issy was playing in Birmingham, which was a bit of a drive for me, so I set off with plenty of time.

There was traffic on the roads, but I arrived just in the nick of time, and the first centre pass whistle blew just as I walked in.

I scanned the stadium to find my seat, but it was easier just to try and pinpoint Issy's family.

Once I spotted them I made my way, waving at Issy as I did so.

Once I made it to my seat, I noticed the girl in the next one along, who had her arm resting over mine.

"sorry, I think Im sat here" I said so that I could sit down

"oh sorry, my bad" the girl said looking up at me

Leah fucking Williamson, I thought to myself as I clocked who it was. I immediately looked over to Issy who was watching the whole interaction and smiling. I knew this was one of her set ups.

Issy's parents were sat in front of me, so I tapped them on the shoulder to say hi

"Emily! hey, Issy said you were coming, how are you doing?" Issy mum said

Leah POV:

I know Issy through the sporting community I think. I don't really know how we met, but we have been friends for a while, but I was surprised when she rang asking if I wanted to watch her play.

I'm a big netball fan, so of course I said yes.

There was a girl sat next to me at the game that also seemed to know Issy.  I recognised her from one or two of Issy's instagram stories, but it clicked when she started talking to Issy's parents who were infront of us.

"you know issy then?" I asked, deciding to make conversation. it was half time so there wasn't much else to do

"yeah, she's a good friend, we went to school together, are you making the most of the friends and family tickets too then?" she responded

Friends and family. that made me chuckle to myself, I don't know why, but it did

We chatted for the rest of the game, I really liked this girl, Emily was her name.

After the game we waited around a bit so that we could both speak to Issy. it was funny, we both waited at the barrier to see our friend, crowded around loads of fans that were screaming the players name, unknown to them that we knew one of them personally.

I had a cap on so I tried to keep a low profile, but it wasn't really working. a few kids came up to me and asked for photos, but honestly, I dont really mind.

Issy took her time to reach us, taking photos and signing autographs on her way, but once she did she gave us both a huge smile and a hug.

"I see you two met then" she said, smirking

the tree of us continued talking for a little bit, but Emily couldn't stay for too long.

she had something on that evening that she had to get back to, which meant I could talk to issy in private.

"was this a set up of yours" I asked

"no, but did it work?" she responded all giddy

"I'm not sure, we got on, but who knows, I've got her number so we will look each other up if we are ever in the same area"

That was the honest truth. I wasn't really looking for anything. I liked her, she was pretty and we had a good time.

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