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Emily POV

I was a wreck when I woke up this morning and checked my phone. not because I was getting any personal attacks, more just at the audacity people had t say these things.

they didn't even know me. I think that made it worse.

they had no idea who I was, and yet they still felt entitled enough to say all of these things.

I dreaded to think what they would actually say if they ever did find out who I was.

all of these comments weren't even the first thing I saw. I managed to scroll through my TikTok for about 10 minutes before the first one came up.

I didn't notice at first so I scrolled on past, until another came up a few scrolls later. it wasn't until that one that I realised it was the back of my head. the same photo that Leah had put on her story.

the post itself was fine. it just had the caption: 'SINCE WHEN DID LEAH HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHO SHE IS???'

I didn't think it would be bad. I knew there would be posts like this, Leah was a public figure after all.

it was the comments that were bad.

they were the same on each post. it was as if the same 3 people had created multiple accounts just to comment the same thing on each post about this.

this just got me in a loop hole. searching it into all social medias, pretty much reading every single post or comment that anyone had put up about us.

it was sending me into a spiral. the tears were flowing and I hadn't even realised.

I think it was because I thought some of the things people were saying were true. 

I was a nobody. they were right. and despite that being a pretty harsh, it was true. it was a bit of a double edged sword.

on one hand I enjoyed it. I could be who I want, do what I want. I didn't have to be someone to date Leah. I just never thought id be attacked for it.

I knew I shouldn't get upset or worked up by it, but I couldn't help it.

I decided to ring Leah to calm myself down, although she had no idea what was going on.

Leah POV

I was so confused when Emily rang me this morning in tears. I only left hers yesterday, less than 24 hours ago, and so much had changed.

the story that I had posted on instagram had sent the internet into a frenzy.

apparently I am not allowed to have a relationship.

no one even knew who Emily was, I made sure of that, and yet the online hate was never ending.

although it wasn't targeted at Emily, she was reading it all.

I was kind of out of the loop when Emily rang. I had an early morning training session, so diddn't check any social media on my phone. I hardly even looked at my phone, all I did was text em goodmorning

I was fresh out of training and on my drive home when she rang

"hey em, how are you" I asked as I accepted the call

"have you seen it?" she said, trying to compose herself, but I could tell she was holding back tears, even through a phone call.

"what are you talking about? are you okay?" I questioned

"the internet. the fans. tiktok. twitter. everything."

"em, your going to have to slow down. what are you talking about" at this point I was just confused

I decided to pull over, so that I could talk to her properly, and try and calm her down

"my birthday post. people are saying things. that you can't have a girlfriend. that whoever your girlfriend is must be ugly. that the back of my head is ugly. everything you could think of, people are saying it"

I was in shock

I didn't understand how a simple post like that could cause such an issue. Ive never said anything about having a girlfriend, it was just a picture. it could of been anyone.

"calm down Emily, its going to be okay. people will say mean things, it comes with the territory. im sorry I got you involved" I apologised

"its not your fault. at least they dont know who I am" she responded

that was a problem for the future. if these were the comments people were saying now, what would people say later on, if we ever did go public.

once I calmed Emily down and hung up the phone, I continued the drive home.

when I made it home, I decided to have a look for myself at these comments for myself

Emily was right. they were horrible

Leahwilliamsonfanxx who even is this girl

User8238273 Even the back of her head is ugly >_<

janetdonti who does this girl think she is getting into a relationship with Leah.

josieturner5858 does Leah not realise she has a world up to win soon? why's she wasting her time with this girl

fangirlleah101 Leah is too good for anyone and everyone. this girl should go leave before Leah realises

the comments just got worse and worse.

they were attacking both of us. I could take it. I had faced this stuff before. we had media training for this stuff. Emily on the other hand, deserved none of it.

I decided I wanted to make a statement. I couldn't stand by whilst she was being attacked for literally just existing. it wasn't fair

Leah Williamson: Hi everyone, in response to a few concerns over my dating life, I just wanted to say a few words. I am currently happy and in a very loving relationship with someone who choses to keep their life out of the public eye, and I had hoped everyone would respect that. Whoever I chose to date is completely up to me. I appreciate that you all want the best for me, but putting out hate towards other people is not the way to do that. I hope you can all just be happy for me x

it wasn't written by Shakespeare or Dickens, nor was it proof read, but I didnt care. it got the message out there. although I had admitted that I was dating someone, that didn't really bother me

how was it possible that I was pretty much two days into a relationship and we were already struggling with the public / private scenario.

Emily had texted me to show her appreciation of my tweet and story post, I was glad she approved of it as I hadn't asked her of her opinions on it.

later this evening, I was meeting Alex for a chilled night, and I was so relived.

this whole thing was getting to me and I knew Alex would know what to say to me. I kind of wished em was here to talk to her too, I knew Alex would get through to her. Alex was just one of those people that always managed to know what to say.

before I get ready for that though, I decided to just sink into my sofa for a while, soon finding myself drifting off for a nap

when I woke up, I went on my phone and turned all notifications off, except for texts from Emily. I couldn't be arsed to face any more hate, or even reply to anyone. probably a bad move, but I just didn't want to.

I dropped Emily a text to check if she was okay, which she replied to pretty quickly saying that she was, so I headed for a shower.

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