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Emily POV

today was the day that my friends were due to meet Leah. I wasn't worried at all. I was just super excited.

I knew they would all get on so well.

it was more me meeting whoever Leah was going to be with that I was worried for.

we spent most of the morning and afternoon just wandering the streets of London, doing touristy things, shopping, sight seeing, drinking.

we had also met up with a few other friends for a drink in the afternoon.

before we knew it it was time to head home for a rest and to get ready for the evening

we had diner reservations at 7:30pm, but thought we might go and have a drink beforehand in a beer garden somewhere, as it was lovely weather.

we got back to the flat, and I knew it was time for a power nap, my favourite past time that had now perfected

25 minutes was all I needed and I always wake up a new person

Leah was also a napper, but she was more of a just fall asleep and see when she wakes up type of person. not me.

so that's what I did, the others all took longer to get ready than me anyway. 

I headed to my bed, whilst they all showered and started to get ready

about 2 hours later, we headed out of the apartment, and into central London.

I texted Leah just as we were leaving just to check that she was still going out

Emily: still ok for later? excited for you to meet the girls x

Leah: yeahhhhh, all good, looking forward to it. see you in a bit xx

we were having dinner first in another of our favourite London restaurants called the waterway.

it was just the four of us. we were there for longer than expected, just chatting and gossiping about everything and everyone.

I of course gave them the run down on Leah and I, explaining that Issy had essentially set us up, and then she rocked up in Swindon not long after.

"oh my god I have met her" Alice said

we all laughed

Alice was in the bull when Leah and some of her team mates came in

"I thought that was weird" she said

"al, I think you were just too drunk to realise" I replied

we finished up, or rather were subtly ushered out, after we had overstayed our 2 hour reservation slot

we then headed a bit more central, towards the area that Leah and her friends were in.

we decided Not to head straight to Leah; we all needed a bit to recover from all the food we just ate.

to kill some time, and the food, we decided to walk instead of getting the tube or ubering.

it was a lovely evening, and the sun had not yet fully set. 

after about 20 minutes we made it to a bar, and headed inside, not realising that it actually was the one that Leah was in.

it wasn't the one we were set to meet her in, so it was a complete coincidence.

I didn't even spot her at first, it. wasn't until Liz and I were are the bar, whilst al and g went to the toilet that Leah spotted me.

she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

I assumed it was just Alice or Georgie and so I didn't react. 

then I saw liz with a weird look on her face, and then the rings on Leahs fingers which gave it away.

I turned around and gave Her a big hug

"I didn't realise that was you, what are you doing here" I said into the crook of her neck

"could say the same about you, we are just doing some bar hopping"

I turned back around to Liz who was ordering some drinks and introduced the two.

shortly after, Alice and Georgie came back, looking equally as confused as Lizzie did.

it didn't take long for them to join the dots and I then introduced them

"right, first round on me" Leah said

a smile went across everyones face, and Georgie joked that she wasn't actually being serious about the first round being on Leah, but I wasn't going to let them argue it, as I knew Leah was just trying to impress.

she got the fist round, and then lead us towards a table full of people, none of which I had met before

Leah went around the table, introducing us all, but It all went in one ear and out the other

me and the girls sheepishly sat down as everyone said hello, me next to Leah . despite the friendliness of everyone, the nerves were starting to kick in.

however, they soon settled as the conversation started to flow and everyone was getting on well.

I was sure to be conscious of my friends, who knew even less people than me, but they all seemed to be having a good time.

as the conversation was flowing, Leah kept putting her hand on my thigh, holding my hand, and just touching me generally. I didn't peg her for the most affectionate person, or even a clingy person, but it was almost as if every time she spoke she needed to touch me for reassurance

I liked it. 

but it never lasted long, she would always remove her hand after a couple of seconds. 

I dont think she even realised she was doing it.

the night was going smoothly, maybe a bit too smoothly. we were all talking and drinking, drinking more than we should of been, and it was getting late

however, my friends an I decided that we wanted to dance, and the bar we were in didn't really let us do this, so we decided to move on. 

I told Leah what we were going to do, and she insisted that she was going to come with us, despite her being much more sober.

it was just Alex and Leah out of the others that joined us in the club, but that was probably for the best, I was quite drunk now, and at least this way I might not embarrass myself infant of all of Leahs friends.


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