'Okay you can do this y/n you can do this. It's just kai and you have to take him out for a while...'.

"Uh so kai. I wanted to ask that.-" you look him in the eyes and felt your confidence draining.
"No no no. I can't he's kai. I like him..  A alot and I am supposed go outside with him. Just the two of us!!"
"How are you doing today? The weather is nice right? It' s a lovely day for a dat- uh hangout and do stuff but you can go alone too so haha." You rambled on flustered by your inner thoughts.
"Stop that! What's up with you today. No it's all of you. First Tyson and now you." Kai asked.
"What are you two planning. We are supposed to training but for some reason you all are goofing around and I don't want to be part of it."
He said and probably was in his thoughts to find about your weird behavior.
And knowing him he will guess the correct answer.
"Are you-"
"Let's go out!" You exclaimed.
And he gasp and look towards you.
"Yeah! We are going out and I I am not taking no as an answer. So let's go!!" You said blushing.
"Huh? Hey wait-"
Before he can say something.
You grab his hand and start dragging him outside.
"Hold on a sec what do you mean by-"
"I said what I mean we are going out. Together!! So stop asking question!" You shout a little and secretly give a thumbs up to other who were laughing.
'Okay I did this now what. Where do I take him. They said outside but where!!'

"Hey! Enough of you. What do you mean by go out!" Kai asked while freeing his hand from your grasp.
"Means we are going out. In which language you don't understand. Maybe it's about time we should hangout together and know each other for better." You said maintaining your voice. It was soft and calm.
'Wow I am great at acting.'
"Know each other! I don't have time for this stuff. Hanging out with girls while I can improve my skills."
" than let's train together! Me vs you. If i'm correct you wanted to fight against me  and our battle is still undecided since last time. So let's battle. It will be a good practise for you." You sternly said.
Even though your embarrass you can't have him going in and mess with your plan. Kai is going to have a birthday party and you will make sure for it.
"Fine." He said and walk ahead.
You sighed in relief at least it worked.

'Maybe I will find something for you along the way.'
You  thought following him.

"Hahahha did you see his face. He was shocked guys. Oh man only if we have click a picture of that." Tyson laughed.
"Heheh yeah maybe but let's do this guys. Ariya did her part now it's our turn. Yeah!" Max cheered.

"Okay we are all set. Decorations is done guys!' Max exclaimed.
" yeah how's the feast Ray kenny?" Tyson asked.
"We are down too. Good thing Ariya helped this morning. Also kenny was a great help." Ray said happily.
"I'm pretty sure he will like the food. At least we hope so." Kenny mumbled.
"Oh who cares what he will say. In the end we did it for him as his friends. Mr. Grumpy need to chill and have fun." Tyson huffed.
"And he better be greatful for this" he continued.
"C'mon Tyson we all know kai he might not like it but atleast we will make him little happy." Max patted on his shoulder.
"Oh guys they are coming!" Kenny said while looking outside.
"Okay let's turn off the light and you guys have the confetti right?" Tyson asked.
"Yeah. Let's go hide guys." Ray told tab others.

Both you and Kai were walking in silence. You were tired. That battle drained you completely.
Kai won which was oblivious. Even though you were better than before but you were still behind him.
It was all about stamina which you lack.
It was great battle you for sure you pushed Kai to his max and he knows that too.
But after winning he decide to leave immediately and you weren't sure about others. What if they weren't prepared. So.....
You latch onto his hands and drag him towards the market to look for something.
"Hey! What's up with you now. We battled and it's enough for today."

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