Ariya's Comeback!

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*sighs* Here I am waiting just for Aj to start the match.
Tyson  kenny and max give me whole big speech for my match. Which I'm grateful but i have to focused so i shoo them away.I won't lie but I'm kinda nervous. Not only this match will decide Tyson's opponent but my next opponent is sketchy. Ryan! I saw his previous matches and  they were one heck of the bey blading skills. I mean he was never in anime but so were the other bladers.
There's no backing down now. All I have to do is focus and hopefully last nights training would be enough for this match.
I just closed my eyes and start mediating.
"Stop worrying much and just battle with everything you got."
'Yeah but I can't help it.It's not like I'm some sort of op blader heck evrything I have done up until now is only because of my knowledge that's it.'
"Are you done blabbering. What a foolish girl you are. You have a strong bit beast like me by your side. Not to mention all the stupid training ypu had been doing."
'Was that your own way of praising me? But you have to put more efforts to it you know.'
"Yeah yeah."
'..Delfrost all this knowledge and talent I have about beyblade is Ariya's right..?'
"....Yeah why?"
'Uhmm you never told me what happened to her? Was she your previous wielder and if she was than Where is she now? How come i'm her not my own person?'
'Am I getting an answer soon or..."
"Yes she was ny previous wielder but she's...gone now... What happened was a long story and my existence depends upon my wielder.  But I needed to be here along with other 4 spirits."
'...oh!...but why me.. I mean you could chose someone else from this world.'
"...because -"

I snapped my eyes opened at the intruder. Gees finally delfrost was talking to me and answering me but here we go. I look up and lock eyes with the owners of the voice.
Great. It's Kai!.
I glare at him but he glared back too.
"What." I asked clearly irritated by teh fact he ruined my conversation with delfrost.
"Your up next but if you still have time glaring at me than go ahead." He said.
Wait! I'm next crap I was so lost on own world that I forgot. I pick my bey and launcher and start making it towards the stadium. But I did mutter kai a "thank u" before leaving.
After arriving at the stadium I look towards Ryan he looked little different than our previous meeting and all I know from that encounter is never trust a guy like him.
"All right Ladies and gentlemen!!" Dj cheers loudly.
"Let's start our 2nd match." He announce. Me and Ryan both look towards each other Ready for some action. I swear I can hear Tyson and Max cheering for me like crazy fan girls. I sweat droped at their antics. We look forward when the dish was shown to us. It's same as the other battle dishes that was first thought until I realised something.
It's surface it's very smooth! Is it frictionless? This is bad because of frictionless it's hard to stay still which most likely make us lose our balance and mess up with our attack.
But something was off with Ryan he wasn't surprised in slightest but was smirking.
'What's up with him?'
"Watch carefully Ariya and make sure to take some notes afterall not everyone get the chance to face the best." He tauntingly said.
"Yeah your right I should take notes because I don't wanna end up losing." I shot back. He just glare and prepared for his launch.
I pull out my launcher too. We heard the countdown and I was making sure to not add much force.
"3 2 1 LET IT RIIPP!!" we both shout out and launch over beys. While launching I tilt my shoulders for a perfect launch. But it's not gonna be easy.
I watch closely to stay focused. Delfrost spinning fast yet it maintained it's balance.
"Go attack VANISHER!" His bey quickly attack my bey sending it backwards.
"Delfrost!" On my command Delfrost maintain it's momentum and counter attack his bey. But to my surprised it didn't budge as if it wasn't attacked. Weird!
"Heh if you came this far with those tricks than how useless your opponents were. Guess I'll be showing you the real battle. Quick Vanisher." His bey start spinning in circles without losing it's momentum and was attacking me on circles. Okay how come friction doesn't work on his bey while we are having a hard time Delfrost! I ask no one in particular.
"Ooh! Looks like our female blader is in lot of trouble. Vanisher is attacking rapidly while delfrost is at it's limit. Is this the end?" An shout out loud.
Gee! How nice of him to let me know. As if I can't see what's happening.
"Hahaha! Ohh did you accept defeat already. Too bad since I really wanna play with you~" Ryan taunted.
I grit my teeth. Ugh what's wrong with me I can't figure his bey out. It's like all my efforts are pointless. Am I really suited for all this?
"ALL RIGHT LET'S END THIS VANISHER. Counter strike!!" Ryan called for his attack and his bey slam into delfrost making it off balance.
Okay this is not the time for me to day dream, I need to concentrate and that's the key for victory.
"Delfrost don't let this mere trick affect you!" I  call out and luckily it gained it's balance back avoiding the egde merely.
"Tch lucky!!" Ryan smirked but I paid no mind to him all he's just trying to make me lose my focus. He's desperate due to two failed attempt. I still have chance if I try to focus on his bey. It's really weird for a normal bey to spin this flawlessly on frictionless surface. There's gotta be something.
Ah!! His bey is spinning clockwise while it's tip was moving counterclockwise. It must be made up of a special alloy which can generate  friction to control it's momentum. So all I have to do is make it stop.
"Smart girl and I was thinking all you do is gush over that boy."
Wh-what!! Delfrost!!?
"Stop it or else you'll make fool of yourself."
Yeah... But hey!! I am smart and i've watched different beyblade series so you should  know that. And I don't gush over Kai! I just-
"I never said it was him. You said yourself."
Whatever le- let's  just finish this off. You know what to do.
"Yeah yeah. Fangirl!"

Man!! I can feel it smirking at me. Just wait when I found something to tease you!
"Last time you were lucky but now let's end this. ATTACK VANISHER!! DOUBLE STRIKE!!"
Oh I am ready now last time you may have catch me off guard but not this tine.
"We'll see about that Ryan. Delfrost you know what to do!"

(Pov ends here)

Third person:

Ryan was waiting for the right moment to strike and when he get the chance his bey Vanisher vanished in thin air appearing right behind her beyblade.
"Go vanisher  double strike!!" Vanisher slam Delfrost with such force that it got knocked outside the dish.
Everyone was watching carefully especially our four bladers. They know what will the outcome be but were surprised when Ariya called out for her bey to attack catching everyone in stadium off guard. On her command Delfrost regain it's balance up in the air ready to attack.
"Delfros Icy Blizzards!!!"
The bey glowed blue and snow particals can be seen up in the air. Mist surround Ariya's beyblade creating an ice storm which trapped Vanisher.
"What!! It can't be!! Get out of there. Now!!" Ryan panicked and tried to get out of the storm.
"Too late for that your beyblade is already frozen." Ariya said. The storm subsided and she was declared winner. Everyone cheered for her.
"No way I I lost. All my hard work is wasted." Ryan mumbled.
"If you really think that then your a big idiot." Ariya said from behind.

"Huh. What do you mean? I lost badily."he shouts.
"Well yeah you did lost but did you learn nothing form this?"she asked.
"You lost but that's not the end of the world if you really want to be strong than work on your flaws and do your best next time. Sulking won't do any good to you. Does it?" She said.
".....yeah.. You are right! Thanks I guess." Ryan smiled.
Ariya nod and left the arena only to greeted by her friends.
"Wow!! That was great. You were so cool out there and that speech. I must be rubbing on you for that huh?" Tyson cheekily said.
Ariya rolls her eyes at him and playfully shove his hands.
"Yeah yeah."
"But hey Tyson's not wrong you were totally badass and that move!! It left everyone speechless. Man! When your bey was knocked out it really had us worried." Max said.
"Yeah but she did win in the ends Max. So give it a rest." Kenny calmly said.
"Hey but weren't you the one who was freaking out the most." Max and tyson teased.
"Uhh! No no I knew she would-" kenny flustered.
"Okay guys everything's fine and you should think about some for your match against Ray. I heard he's tough opponent." Ariya said.
"Hehe easy peasy. I will win for sure and than it's against you and me than kai." Tyson proudly declared.
Everybody laugh at that and start heading outside.

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