Gary Vs Ariya

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"What are we supposed to make out from your silence. Are you giving up?" Kai asked.
"....." Without replying you make your way towards the dish. While everyone in your team shoot you their concerned looks.

"The third round is starting." Aj announce excitingly.
"So who will win this one Gary ..Or.. Ariya! With Gary's new destructive power she had faced a hard time."
"But believe me when I say she have overcome these kind of situation easily. Could she turn the tables again?"

"Ready! Set ! 3 2 1 . LET IT RIP!!"
"Go Galzzy!! "

With the count of three both bladers launch their beys. Delfrost was in centre while Galzzy was in mid air.
Ariya knew what was coming.
"Galzzy finish this!!" Gary shout and his bit beast came out in flash. The red blade gained much power than before and start projecting towards Your bey.
"Delfrost!! Go up in the air!" You command your beast.
Blue mist surround it and Delfrost was up in the air. Before Galzzy could stomp it.
White Flash came out of your bey and there it was Delfrost you nine tailed fox beast.
Galzzy land in stadium and whole stadium broke into pieces. Some even flew towards Delfrost and damaged it.
The side track of dish was broken and luckily Delfrost was still spinning.
"Phew that was close.." You mumbled but Gary was still rampaging and so was his bey.
It was rapidly clashing with Delfrost.
"Delfrost!" You tried to counter his bey but it was stronger than you.
' I don't think attacking it directly is going to work. His offence and defence is strong.' You thought.

"Looks like Ariya's counter attack is not going to work at all. Galzzy is like a power tank. So is this the end?" Aj asked.

"So did you find anything chief ?" Max panicked.
"Yeah did you kenny. Ariya is having a hard time. Ugh!! What is this much power and form where it is coming. It's like Delfrost can only one who is taking hits." Tyson grumbled.
"I I don't know his powr is off charts as I said. It seems to increasing rapidly. I don't think she will win if this continues. Delfrost has a good defence but at this moments it's attack and defence is way behind than Galzzy's."
"Ariya.." Both Max and Tyson looked down.
"Don't worry about her." Kai said.
"She'll lose so prepare for your own battle."
"Kai! Don't say something like that about her. And she's our friend so we can worry about all we want!!" Tyson angrily shout.
Kai only grunt and look towards the battle.
Ray was silent whole time. He didn't like how everyone gave up on you but keep it to himself. The match has everyone on edge furthermore he was surprised by Gary's power boost . it's not often Gary is serious and surprisingly your handling his power well. Delfrost is still fighting.
When you return from second match it was clear you were down but you did take that lose pretty well.
As if that was expected for you.
He kept his focus on battle and give you a worried glance.

Match was still on. Gary seemed tired with this game. It seems your bey was slowing down but weirdly it was not running out of spin. Gary just brushed it off and continue it's assault.
"Galzzy bear Axe!!! Finish it for good" Gary said.
Galzzy's flew up in air and accelerate towards you for final attack increasing force of it's attack for maximum damage.
"Delfrost. Icy blizzards!!"
" Ariya!!Same attack won't do anything remember what happened last time." Kenny panicked.
Delfrost spin rate increased and whole stadium was covered in blue and red. Ice was covering the whole stadium and everyone felt the rapid cool down in temprature.
Galzzy just kept going and braj the stadium in pieces.

Both team gasps it was hard to see what's happening since mist covered the stadium.
"Ariya!!" Tyson shout.
"What happened? Did Ariya lose." Aj asked impatiently.

"Delfrost!! Time to end this. Freezing fang!!" You exclaimed.
"What?!!" Gary shocking asked and look up in air.
Your bey quickly accelerate towards His bey and before he can do anything. Delfrost slam into Galzzy knocking him out of the dish.
The broken dish was now covered in thick snow and so was Galzzy.

Dead silence~
Untill whole stadium was cheering including you team mates.
White tiger was shocked.
You fell on your knees.
'It worked. We win..."
"We  did it delfrost!!" You cheered.
"And this round's winner is Ariya meaning blade breakers are one step ahead of white Tigers!!"
"Whohoo!! You did it Ariya!!" Max exclaimed happily.
"Wow I can't believe she pull it off. She would have lose but she proved me wrong." Kenny blurted.
"Here" Gary said while giving you your bey.
"Huh?.o-oh thanks. You were pretty strong I- I had h-hard time d-defeating you!" You said stuttering form cold as well Gary's frowning face.
But to your surprise he burst into laughter and left..
"The heck.." You mumbled.

You walk back to your teammates only to knocked out by Tyson and Max who were hugging you like no tomorrow.
"That was amazing Ariya!!"
"You were great Ariya!!"
Both said at the same time. You didn't hear cuz you were still overcoming the impact.
"G-get u-up you two!! Your heavy !" You said.
"Ehehee sorry but seriously how fid you defeat him. If I were in your shoe I would have lost." Max said.
'Only if you knew.'
"An expert doesn't tell their secrets. Do they." You teased.
"Oh C'mon we wana know."
"Yeah tell us I'm interested." Ray too joined in.
"Fine but it was hard to figure out."
"In second round his beyblade was rampaging and due to this he was only thinking about damaging my bey.
Galzzy is not a perfect match for long period battles since it has hard tine maintaining it's momentum. So all I have to do was to freeze him on spot.
When I called out for my attack in second round his bey was frozen but we ran out of stamina that's why we lose.
So I just absorb his power each time when he attack me."
" but Delfrost was losing it's spin and alk of sudden it was faster. How come?" Tyson asked.
"Cuz it wasn't losing it's spin. Every time Galzzy attack we absorb it's power and increase our speed. To others it looked like delfrost is slowing down but was just spinning at constant rate creating a fake illusion." You finished.
"That was pretty smart. You even fooled us." Ray said.
" we weren't sure it would work but it did so that's what matters. " you replied.
"If you have plan you could share with everyone instead of thinking ahead." Kai intervene.
"You just went there in hopes of winning. What a joke."
"Did you guys hear something?" You said ignoring his remark. Everyone look at you raising a brow.
"Nothing. I'm just trying to ignore the negativity from my life." You defended
"Oh really?"
"If you were worried about my lose you could share your thoughts Captain. After all leaders are supposed to guide~" you teased.
He just glare and huff in annoyance.
"Your up next Ray good luck!" You said happily.
"Yeah and I'm planning to win just like you."
"Haha. Sure~" you smirked.

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