Battle In The Sky

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We are finally here... The China Tower.
Our First Asian tournament as a team. The encounter with White Tiger was something unexpected but luckily everyone was in a good mood.
We Stand in audience and heard Aj announcing the Teams and the matchups.
I really don't feel like going in detail about all this stuff because in the end all we have to do is win and make it to the finals.
So after intro we were at lobby looking through our upcoming matches.
"Group A huh. Looks like we are up first huh!" Ray said from behind.
Tyson happily exclaimed how pumped he is for our match but that excitement faltered when
"Well well look guys what the cat dragged in!"
Lee and The White Tigers. Just Great.
"Lee!" Ray spoke up.
"You guys are the mascot here or what?" He taunted.
"Very funny! But we plan to win." Tyson glared at him
"Yeah right...Just dream on!" Lee smirked.
Kevin and Mariah join Lee and start telling how thier team is in Group E
and how we eventually face them if we were lucky enough.
"Aren't you all are just overconfident I really can't tell if you think your stronger than us or just love bragging about you skills" I commented.
I really wasn't in mood so yeah...
"You can think whatever you want but isn't it obvious!" Kevin smirk.
"Yeah obviously you like to brag a lot." I roll my eyes.
"You sure talk tough huh. Do you even match the standard of blader." Lee said. I feel my teammates glare.
"Why don't you let the time decide. But I am pretty sure I am not just talk." I sweetly said. I am not like Tyson I know how to keep calm.
"And don't worry about us you need to focus on your own match ups. It wouldn't look good if The great team of your lost to someone else now is it. You need to live up to your reputation "
Lee just scowled and turn to Ray.
"We don't go easy on traitors. Remember it Ray!"
"And we don't go easy on anyone!" Ray declared and White Tigers left.
'All that tough talk for nothing'

"That was great Ariya! We should have taken a picture or something. His expression was priceless." Tyson exclaimed.
"You too Tyson."
"May I remind you that your no different than them either if you engage into fight. They have more experience than us as a team so it would be a wise choice to polish our skills overtime you know. Being overconfident is just beginning of a blader's downfall."
"Mhm your right but that doesn't change anything! Let's go guys we have a match to win!!" He said and walked off.
"I feel like he didn't understand a thing I said." I hopelessly mumbled.
"I'm sure he'll understand one day!" Ray patted my shoulder and smiled.
I gratefully looked at him and start walking towards the stadium.

Okay so our team was up against Cowboy soar. I can't remember much about them but they were good. I remembered Ray and Max having a tough time defeating them. So I can only rely on Kenny's advise and my teams skill.
'Guess my memory isn't all that sharp as I thought it would be.'
After a great intro of both teams it was time for the first battle. Ray stand up declaring that he should go first I believe it have something to do with white tigers.
"Ray!Good luck" I said to him although I wanted to say more but I should not.
"Go Ray!! Show them all that we are even tougher than White tigers!"
Tyson boosted.
Oh no! Maybe he shouldn't have something.
Ray stopped and I can feel his mood swing.
I hit tyson in head.
"Ow! Hey what was that for-"
"Don't let his words get to you Ray he's just pumped up with all that crowd!" I quickly said.
"And you try to read the atmosphere a little. Can't to see the mood swing Ray's having." I mumbled to Tyson.
"She's right Tyson. You shouldn't say anything about his old team. He surely doesn't like it." Max also joined us both.
"Well than someone should remember who's team they are in now." Tyson say giving a stink eyes to Ray.
"Enough. Ray knows that but that doesn't change he and white tigers were friends. So don't push it Tyson." I said.
"You should go Ray and win it for us!"
"..yeah.." Ray mumbled and left.

In the first match the opposing team's blader Andre was tougher than Ray. His beyblade has been specially designed to copy a bull's attack and movement. Ray's  attack didn't have any effect to him or even if they do damage it meant nothing. We all were tense and worried for the outcome.
But I was surprised when Kai made a snarky remark to Ray. After yesterday I really can't put up with this guy and the way he decide kick out Ray if he can't win was beyond me. I don't know if he want Ray to give his best on this pressure or he had enough of our antics and wanted to kick us all out one by one.
But if I remeber correctly in the anime Ray come up with a good strategy and win.But surprisingly he didn't plan anything and was on verge of losing. Mainly because Drigger was little damaged.
So I decide to help him out well more likely tell him to use his strategy.
'That sounds weird!'

"Ray!" I called out and I can feel my whole team staring at me.
"Try to use his power against him!"
He nodded at me confidently.
After a minute or two Ray was declared winner.
Next up was Max. He walk towards the stadium.
Luckily this match played out same as the anime. But Draciel was heavily damaged or more like melted. His opponent's bey can use it's spin rotation to increase the temperature. I was sure we all burn lots of fat since whole stadium was hot.
Kenny figured out the secret and tell Max to attack when opponent's beys speed decreased.
But our sweet captain Kai decided to open his mouth saying Max should put more effort to it and he was sloppy.
Tyson defend Max along with others but Max brushed them off saying Kai is captain and we a should follow his advise.
"Yeah Captain~" I scoff. Kai glared at me and I glare back.
"What have anything to say?" He said.
"Honestly I have lot of things to say but luckily for you we are in middle of a match."
"Luck. I don't think so. Beside it's not like you have done anything!"
"Really I don't see you doing anything but whinning."
"What did you-"
"See just like that. You can question my friends abilities but I can't do the same for you. Well Kai if you really can't appreciate us as teammates than  keep your judgment to yourself."
"I can say whatever I want. I am the leader."
"Than try to act like one. Be a leader. I bet you don't even know the meaning of it in the first place." I said and he sure looked really angry.
"Okay you two that's enough!" Ray came between us.
"Yeah Ariya let Mr. Sourpas be! He can downgrade us all he want but all it matter is that we win." Tyson said.
"Fine. But I can't stand him."
"Does it look like I can."
I huffed and avert my gaze from him.
For final round Tyson and his opponent Tommy was battling.
He sure looked skilled but Tyson was confident and was doing great.
I am not gonna go in details but Tyson's storm attack save him in the and proved him winner.

                 Our team is great

After our battle we decide to watch Group E match. White Tiger was battling and Mariah was their last blader. She was pretty good and also a strong female blader. It's good to see a fellow female blader fighting. Hopefully out teams difference doesn't change anything between us.

Mariah and her opponent launch their blades and start clashing.
"Go Galax!! Finish it off!!" She called out.
A pink light emerged from her blade catching my team off guard.
They sure didn't expect her to have a bit beast. Galax increase it's spin rotation and his attack ring tilted a bit for a deadly strike.
Mariah's beyblade slice the other one with one swift cut. Tyson and Max looked horrified. Even kai was speechless. Ray looked neutral and well I was fangirling from inside.
"What!!" Tyson shouted.
"That beyblade of hers is amazing!" Max exclaimed.
"I didn't think a beyblade is capable of doing something like this!!" Kenny panicked.

"Guess this tournament sure is tougher than I anticipated!"

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