Chapter 9: Attempted Extraction.

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, MJ's daughter (who I just found out is named Romy), who was sitting in between her mother and brother, stared at the screen, more specifically at Spiderman. Her right eye slightly twitched, and her left hand began to slowly clench.

Paul: something wrong, sweetie?

The child of MJ turned to her father, concern on his face, and the twitching stopped, and Romy's hand unclenched.

Romy: No, I'm fine.

She then turned back to the screen, her face slightly frowning, a certain emotion welling up within her as she stared at the arachnid hero on screen.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Sonya: But I was the one he used.

Spiderman (in head): This is starting to hit close to home.

Spiderman then put a hand on sonya's shoulder.

Spiderman: it's alright to chase after kano sonya, but don't let it control you. (Another flash comes up, and the memory of the man who murdered Uncle Ben flashed I'm his mind) believe me, sometimes you need to take a step back and think things through before rushing, otherwise you end up hurting yourself and everyone around yo-


Spiderman (in head): Wait wha-

Spiderman didn't give it much thought as he swerved to the left as a giant green shuriken flew past him and did a u turn as it was then caught by a very beautiful woman in a green skin tight outfit exposing a lot of skin with another beautiful woman walking behind the one in green, wearing roughly the same outfit but in blue.

Spiderman (in head): Oh great, another fight to partake. (Observes them) Those 2 remind me too much of elektra.


Elektra (616) was sitting cross-legged on a rooftop after hearing what Spiderman said. She, too, observed the 2 women and couldn't help but agree with the airachnid. They were baisicly wearing the same type of revealing outfit, and if she had to guess, they were most likely trained to be assasins.

(Mortal kombat universe)

The 2 assasins approached the earthrealm trio.

Kitana: By order of shang tsung, no one leaves this island.

Sonya: I don't have time for this!

Sonya gets up, ready to fight, but as she's about to, a helicopter suddenly appears. Spiderman put his hand out in front of sonya.

Spiderman: Jax is the priority here, sonya. Go, get him outta here!

Sonya: What about you?

Spiderman: (Turns to face the the edenians) I'll hold them off. (Sees sonya hesitate) I'll be fine, sonya, trust me. Go, now!

Sonya reluctantly agrees as she grabs jax and moves to the landing chopper. Just as Spiderman was about to engage, a fireball flew over his head and impacted against the chopper, causing it to explode and crash land into the ground.

Sonya: No! (Hears laughter and turns to see shang tsung with kano standing next to him) damn you!

Shang tsung: you have a challenger, kano.

Kano chuckles as sonya growls and gets into a fighting stance.

Kano: pretty boy ain't gonna save ya this time, and the bug is busy getting down and dirty with those 2 outworlders.

Spiderman sighed and said the one thing that every spiderman, woman, and child get tired of saying.


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