Capitol Captured

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Chapter 23

When I woke up, I was in this strange white room. I looked to my side. There was a bunch of medical equipment in my arm. I ripped them out. I sat up and saw this white cast on my leg and a black brace around my waist.

I stood up and realized why. My back and leg where killing me.

But I still made it to the door with a tiny window in it. I could see into the room across the hall. Peeta was laying on the bed in that room.

I banged on the door. "Peeta!"

It was no use. He was knocked out.

I shifted to the side so I could see into the room next to Peeta's. Enobaria was standing at that door.

I banged on the door again.

She heard it. She shifted so she could see me.

We couldn't hear what the other was saying, but we could read the others lips.

"Where are we?" She mouthed.

"I think we're in the Capitol." I had see a sign on the other side of Peeta's room when I was looking. It read Capitol Medical Wing. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a injured shoulder. And you?"

"Hurt back and foot."

"Okay. We should probably wait until we know more."

"Sound good." I stepped away from the door and sat against the wall right by the wall.

I just thought about the rebellion. I knew they would come and save us because Peeta was here. Katniss wouldn't leave him here. She needs him. That means she'll save me and Enobaria by default.

So I would get to see Johanna again. All I have to do is be patient.

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I was looking through the tiny windows when I saw 2 peacekeepers taking Enobaria out of her room. I banged on the window but they kept taking her.

I knew they were going to hurt her. So I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed the IV stand, broke the window with it, stuck my hand through the window to unlock the door from the outside, and opened the door.

The glass from the window cut my wrist. But I didn't mind it. I had to get to Enobaria.

I ran the way that the guards took Enobaria.

When I caught up to them, I tapped on the shoulder of one of the guard and punched him in the face. He fell down. The other guard tried to hit me with his electricity stick but I blocked it and stole from him. I knocked him out with it.

"Come on. We have to go." I told Enobaria.

We ran back to the way of our room.

When we got there, there was 10 peacekeepers in a line to stop us.

"I don't think we can fight them." Enobaria whispered in my ear.

"You think?" I said sarcastically.

We both put our hand up. The peacekeepers locked us up in handcuffs, took Enobaria to her room, put me in the room across from her since mine was no longer secure. They looked me up in restraints.

About 15 minutes later a doctor came in. She stitched up my wrist that was cut open when I unlocked the door.

When she left, I realized I was trapped. It was a very familiar feeling. I felt it both times i was in the games. But I was also alone. That was also a familiar feeling. I felt it after my brother died and every day since. I only stopped feeling that when I was with Johanna. But now I had no one. I was completely alone again.

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