The 75th Reaping

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Chapter 14

While I was getting ready for the reaping, I heard the phone ringing. I ran over to it. The caller id read Johanna Mason. When I saw her name I couldn't help but smile.

I picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Hi." She sounded so happy for someone who might get sent back to the games. "How you doing?"

"Pretty good. I know my chances are smaller then some of the other people. How are you?"

"Better now."

"Promise me something?"

"Anything. What is it?"

"If you get picked, try and make it back to me." I knew that sounded cheesy the moment I said it. But I needed her to survive. She was the only person I had left. I need her.

"I will." She was silent for a few seconds. "If you get picked, try and make it back to me."

"I will. I promise."

We just stayed on the phone in silence. I just listened to her breathing. It was the only way I knew she was still there.

——— ☆ • ♧ • ♤ • ♧ • ☆ ———

When I got to the reaping I had to go on the stage. All th victors did. The audience was reserved for the people without their name in the bowl.

Donny came out on stage. "Welcome to the district 1, 75th reaping." He looked over at the girls. "As usual, time for the girls." He walked over to the girl bowl and pulled out a name card. "The female tributes is..." He opened the card. "Jin Flavia."

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. This was truly how I was gonna die. I couldn't make it in a game full of victors. I barely won my last game.

I stepped forward. I hide my sadness and anger. I couldn't look weak.

"Now for the male." Donny walked over to the boy bowl, pulled out a card, and walked over to the mic. "The district 1, male tribute is..." He opened the card. "Gloss."

"Noo!" Cashimere screamed.

I felt bad for her. She was sending her victor and her brother to the game.

I looked over at her and rapped my arms around her. "We'll be okay Cashimere."

She pushed me away slightly and walked over to her brother. She hugged him before me and him were carted into the train station. They didn't out us in an office this time. This time they took us straight to the train.

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