The 75th Interviews

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Chapter 19

For interviews, Skylar picked out a nice flowery, long, pink dress.

Me and Gloss went down to the stage. It was exactly like I remembered.

I waited for Caesar to do his intro then he called me onto stage.

He hugged me then I took a seat right next to him. "I was sorry to hear about your brothers death."

That made my blood boil. The capitol was responsible for it and now they were using it to get a reaction out of me. I wouldn't let them affect me. Even though I wanted to punch anyone responsible for his death in the face. "Thank you."

"So, your brother was your motivation to survive the last games. Who's yours this time?"

"I don't really have one. I thought I would no longer need motivation but know I'm being sent back to an almost certain death. I guess this time I fine with dying. I'm fine just trying to get Gloss back to his sister, my mentor. Because she deserves to have him back." I wanted to say I was also gonna try and protect Johanna, but that would give the capitol someone to hold over my head.

"So angry." He said.

"Yes. But I don't want me to show you the full extent of my anger." I looked him dead in the eyes.

"You've changed."

"What can I say." I put my hands slightly up. "The games change people. Especially the effects after."

Caesar stood up. "Thank you, Jin." He walked over to me and told me to go up to this large second stage slightly above the one Caesar was interviewing me one.

When he was done interviewing the others came up and stood in the assigned spot. And when everyone was done we all held hands and showed them to the crowd. I only had to hold Gloss's hand.

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