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Chapter 21

For the first few days, me and careers layed low. We only killed when someone saw where we where.

But one day we couldn't find any animals near us. We needed the food. I offered to go to the beach to hunt in the water.

We didn't know where everyone was. For all we knew there could be someone waiting there to kill me.

Gloss and the others let me go. They said they would be near by just in case anything happened.

When I got to the beach I spotted a group talking. They were farther down the beach. Far enough away that I couldn't see who they were.

I just thought that if I went a tiny bit to the shorter side of the beach they wouldn't be able to spot me. So i could just get the food and leave.

When I got 4 fish, I saw the group jump in the water. They were going to the cornucopia.

I went over to Gloss who was just in the woods behind me. "What are they doing?"

"How should I know. I couldn't even make out their faces." I said.

"Brutus and Enobaria went to check out what they are doing. We should go join them."

We walked through the woods trying to find the 2s. We saw them just behind the tree line spying on the group.

"Who are they?" Gloss asked.

"Beetee, Wiress, Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, and Johanna." Enobaria said.

I looked at the group. I knew that they were doing something important. And that we would have to attack them. I didn't want to. I didn't hurt Johanna or the plan to ruin the Capitol. But I have to keep my cover. And the rebellion is a group filled of skilled fighters. They'll be fine.

"What should we do?" Brutus asked.

"We attack. I'll take out nuts which should give you guys enough time to surprise them." Gloss was gonna take out Wiress.

"Okay." We all said.

Gloss snuck over to them. Me and the 2s snuck up the other way.

He killed Wiress and Katniss shot an arrow into Gloss's chest. It made both him and Wiress fall back in the water.

I want to attack her. But I could. I had to let it go. Because if the mocking jay dies so does the rebellion. I needed that to work. The Capitol had to be ruined, for what they did to the tributes in every game and all the desired victors.

I ran over to Johanna pretending to attack her.

Her axe and my sword made an X like shape, as we just turned in circles pretending to fight. While we were just talking.

"What are you guys doing?" Johanna asked.

"Honestly I don't know. I just have to go along with it."

"Okay, just pretend I knocked you out." She swings her axe at me. It doesn't hit me. It just looks like the non blade part hit me in the head.

I fell down and pretended to be unconscious. I was down there for about 2 minutes, before I felt the grounds start to slightly shake under me.

I slowly stood up. Only to be thrown back down when the Cornucopia started spinning. I grabbed onto a rock that was popping out of the structure.

Peeta was right above me. He had tumbled down a little when it started to spin.

His hands started to slip. He fell back, heading towards the water.

I grabbed his hand when it was right behind me. "Hold on." I tried to us all my mussel to pull him up. But I couldn't. I just had to hold on until it stopped.

When I did, Peeta could stand up by himself. So I let go of his hand and ran off.

"Wait!" He called. He wanted me to stop. But I didn't want to risk it if the others wanted to kill me.

"Peeta, are you alright?" Finnick ran over to him.

"Yeah, the girl from 1 saved me."

"Oh, Jin. She one of the nicer careers."

"Yeah, she saved my life." He watched me run into the forest.

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For about an hour, I was walking through the woods pointlessly. Then I heard some russeling in the forest.

"Who's there?" I grabbed my sword, completely ready to fight what ever was out there.

"It's okay, Jin. It's just me." Enobaria revealed herself.

I let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you died back there."

"I thought the same about you."

I put my sword back in it's hostler. "How'd you get out?"

"I was lucky. I got out before the thing started spinning. What about you?"

"I saved Peeta. Which bought me enough shock to run without getting killed."

Me and Enobaria just decided to stay where we were. We had no were else to go.

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