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Chapter 17

During the days of training, I trained with a sword and went into a simulation. I hit hard everyday and took out 5 pixal people easily on average.

I also trained with Gloss. Him and I went in a simulation and we took out 20 pixal people together.

At lunch, I sat with the careers. I didn't really want to. They were much older then me and only discussed battle strategies. I wanted to sit with Johanna and Finnick. I could tell they were having interesting conversations everyday. And Johanna stared at me. I could tell it was killing her not to be with me.

But at night I would always sneak up to her sweet. We would have interesting conversations about the games and other things. She told me about the rebellion. How they were planning on ending the game before it is supposed to be over. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. And she trusted me.

It felt nice to know someone trusted you enough to tell you plans you could easily ruin. I would never do that. But it felt really nice knowing she trusted me. And I trusted her.

She made everything in my life better. She made me understand the way my mom explained feeling when my dad was around. She made me smile. She made me feel great right after I felt awful.

I would do what ever it takes to protect her. So I knew that if the rebellions plan failed I would make sure she didn't die. Even if it meant I would die.

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Warrior Princess (Hunger Games) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt