Let the 72nd Games Begin

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Chapter 5

I ate breakfast, then went down to the "tube room" in the morning.

The tube room only had a giant tube. I didn't really look around. I just walked into the tube.

The door shut and it slowly moved up. For awhile it was just completely dark.

Then suddenly I was in the middle of a what looked like winter wasteland. But the temperature didn't feel cold. It was pretty hot.

I looked around and saw all the other tributes. We were all on platforms.

"The 72nd annual hunger games will begin in 10 seconds." A mystery voice said.

A cube appeared on the metal structure in the middle of all of us. It started to count down 10,9,8,7,6,5.

The district 10 male tried to step of his platform. All I heard was a loud *boom*. Then a *cannon*.

The cube kept counting down. 4,3.

Everyone got prepared to run, either to or away from the cornucopia.

2,1. *horn*.

Everyone ran in their direction. I ran towards the cornucopia.

"Let the 72nd hunger games begin." The voice said.

I got to the cornucopia and grabbed a sword and bag.


I walked out and saw Xander and Sloane standing over the district 5 male. I walked over to them.

"Nice." I sounded like I did but didn't mean it. I felt bad for him and his family.

"I know. She did it all by herself." Xander said. "My sister is all grown up."

"You do realize we're twins right?" She smiled.

"Hey, where's Leo?"

"He is still grabbing stuff in the cornucopia." Sloane said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go find him." I ran over to the cornucopia. I saw him rummaging through the bags. "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to figure out which bag to grab." He said.

"We can take 3 more." I said. "I already have one and Xander and Sloane can carry one."

"Good point." He figured out which 3 he wanted to take then we walked back to Sloane and Xander.

We handed them both a bag, found Brook and Riven, then went to find some other tributes.

The entire day we couldn't find any. So we found a nice place to camp for the night.

Me and Leo took first watch. Then Sloane and Xander did. And lastly Brook and Riven.

Fallen Tributes
Stefan Walsh district 5 (23rd)
Mikael Grant district 10 (24th)

Districts with no chance of winning

Districts with no chance of winning

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