Day 14-27

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Chapter 8

Day 14, I was trying to find food. I couldn't. There wasn't a single animal.

But then I saw a bird fly by. I chased it. It sat on a sandy hill. I tried to climb up but I fell down.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed in frustration. "I'm done. Do you hear me?" I was now mainly talking to president snow. But I was looking at the bird. "I've lost everything! I've lost my friends, the girls, my parents! I've got nothing left!" I started to break down. "When will it be enough for you. All I want is to make sure my brother never fells that way. And yet you torture us. You've took mainly everything I have. Isn't that enough. Why can't you leave me alone?"

I put the sword to my chest. Then I thought death is a fate better then life. But I couldn't do that to Chris. So I turned the sword toward the bird and through it at it.

I ran to grab the bird and ripped into it with my teeth.

I heard 5 *cannons* that day. For the rest of the day. That means there is only 7 more tributes including myself.

Fallen Tributes
Rebecca West district 3 (10th)
Erik Sheyton district 8 (8th)
Elena Uma district 9 (11th)
Payton Robinson district 12 (12th)
Pin Yosemite district 12 (9th)

District that have no chance of winning

District that have no chance of winning24567812

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By day 23 there were only 5 tributes left.

I was walking towards a herd of ostrichs I found a few days ago. On my way I ran into district 3 male.

He tried to stabbed me but I avoided it and stabbed him with my sword in his chest. *Cannon*

Fallen Tributes
Hugo Hyde district 3 (5th)

Districts with no chance of winning

Districts with no chance of winning234567101112

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On day 27 there were a more cannons. I knew that eventually the finals would happen. I just had to wait and see who the person I was fighting was.

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