Let the 75th Hunger Games Begin

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Chapter 20

The morning I had been dreading since I got back to the Capitol. It was the morning before the games.

I woke up a little earlier that morning so I could sneak up and see Johanna.

She was waiting for me in the living room of her sweet. I ran to her. When I was in arms reach she rapped her arms around me.

"I don't think I can do this again." I pushed her a tiny bit back. "I barely made it out last time."

"I know. But last time you didn't have me."

I was completely out of her grasp now. "I barely have you this time. We can't be together during the game. You're apart if the rebellions plan and I have to stay with the careers. It's not like I can change now. Katniss will never trust me. I don't blame her!"

She grabbed my arm. "Hey. I trust you. And I won't let anyone hurt you."

In a weird way that felt like a statement. Like she was not promising me something, that she was telling me it was definitely gonna happen. "Okay." I sighed. "But if I come down to me and the rebellions plan you choose the plan."

"What." She held onto my arm tighter. "I can't do that."

I put my free hand on her cheek. "You have to. To get justice for what was done to us, or families, and the innocent children that were forced to play Snow's cruel game."

"No!" She slightly yelled. It was loud enough so that I knew how loud she wished it was, but quiet enough that it didn't wake up the people still sleeping. "I won't do it."

"You have to. And I'm not saying you will have to do it. I'm saying..."

She cut me off. "I know what you're saying. I'm saying I refuse to do it. Not if it means I lose you." Tears fell down her cheek.

"If you don't and the plan falls you'll lose me anyways." I moved back. "Not all of me. But the part that is happy, caring. Basically you will lose any good part of me. That is left anyways."

She grabbed my shoulders. "You have a lot of good. The plan won't fail. And you won't have to die."

"Okay." I put my hands on her cheeks. "Promise me I won't lose you." Her cheek made my cold hands feel warm.

"You won't."

"Johanna, promise me you will survive and get out of the arena free."

She hesitated. "I promise."

I could tell she had a feeling something bad would happen to her. I would make sure that wasn't gonna happen.

And I understood her not wanting to lose me. I didn't want to lose her. I knew that feeling she was feeling. I was feeling it right now.

But what I did next hurt me more then that feeling. I walked out. I didn't want to. But I had to get back to the sweet before anyone woke up.

——— ☆ • ♧ • ♤ • ♧ • ☆ ———

When I got back to the sweet I got dressed right away.

Then I went down to the tube room. It looked exactly like I remembered, to the detail.

I didn't want anymore painful goodbyes, so I just got straight in the tube. It shut right away and I was off to the arena.

——— ☆ • ♧ • ♤ • ♧ • ☆ ———

I dropped on my platform. It looked like I was one of the first people there. Slowly the others dropped in too.

Next to me was Katniss and the district 11 female.

The arena was water around the cornucopia and trees all around the water.

The count down thing appeared. It counted down from 10 to 1. The horn blow and everyone jumped into to the water and swam either trying to get away or towards the cornucopia.

I swam towards it.

The water was kind off cold. But I just kept swimming as fast as I could.

I got to the edge of rocks and jumped up. I now have to run the rest of the way. I was dodging the arrows Katniss was shooting at me.

When I got to the cornucopia, grabbed a sword and a handful of knives.

I saw Gloss. He was in the water trying to hurt Peeta, Katniss's partner.

I jumped in the water. I saw Finnick he was trying to help Peeta. We just grabbed our people and went our separate ways.

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