Testing and Scores

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Chapter 18

Testing day was basically the same as it was 3 years ago. I had to wait in this tiny room with all the other tributes waiting for Gloss to finish his test.

When they called me I came out. The room was the same one I had been training in for the past week. Just there were people judging me this time.

I grabbed a sword and walked over to a nice white wall in the testing area. I started to crave all the tributes that died in the 72nd games and Chris's names on the wall. In the middle of all it said "look what you caused." It was my attempt at holding Snow and the capitol responsible. But it really made me remember who should be alive over me. I also craved the ages of each of them.

I turned away from the wall and looked at the people watching me. I had tear forming in my eyes.

They knew exactly what I was trying to do. But they didn't care. They didn't look like they were feeling guilty at all.

I dropped the sword. I was about to walk out before I did anything I would regret later.

But I just walked right back, picked up the sword, and decapitated a fighting dummy with 1 swing.

I dropped the sword and walked out.

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I was sitting on the couch filing my nails waiting for the scores to come on. Donny and Gloss where in the kitchen making popcorn.

"Hey, guys, it's starting!" I yelled.

They came running over.

Gloss jumped over the back of the couch and took a seat right next to me. Donny stayed behind the couch.

"From district 1, Gloss has received a score of 10." Me and Donny congratulated Gloss, then went back to look at the tv for my scores. "Jin gets a 9."

I wasn't really surprised. I kind of knew they would give me a lower score because of what I did to their wall. But I was sure some of the other tributes did something stupider.

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