Chapter Twenty-One

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face I looked down at Jordan and she sighed in her sleep pulling me tighter in her arms

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face I looked down at Jordan and she sighed in her sleep pulling me tighter in her arms.

During the night I had gotten up to get a warm washrag to clean up Jordan's pussy as she slept. She had moaned and sighed when I moved the warm rag gently through her pussy lips, I had then placed a blanket over us and went back to sleep.

I want to get up so that we can start packing to leave for Korea tomorrow but I am so comfortable right now with her snuggled against me and I also do not want to wake her up.

She looks so peaceful and beautiful as she sleeps.

I carefully remove her arms that were wrapped around me and get up. I stretch as I make my way towards my room and order us some breakfast, while I wait for the breakfast to arrive and for her to wake up I start packing.

 I stretch as I make my way towards my room and order us some breakfast, while I wait for the breakfast to arrive and for her to wake up I start packing

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Opening my eyes I look out at the beautiful view of London, I sit up and the blanket falls to my waist leaving me topless. I yawn as I notice that it's 9 a.m. on the clock in the corner.

I spot a mug on the coffee table with whatever liquid in it steaming as if it was just placed there.

"Good morning, malsyh" Dmitri walks into the common area, I pull the blanket up to cover me as he sits next to me kissing my temple.

"Slept well?"

"Yes very well, thanks to you"


"Mmhm I enjoyed last night, I've never cum like that before" I turn to him placing my legs in his lap and he instantly places his arms on my thighs.

"I'm gonna assume that your previous boyfriends didn't know what they were doing" he places his hand on my neck caressing my jaw with his thumb.

"I wouldn't know because I've never had a boyfriend" I look at him to see how he would react to that as guys that I have dated say an immediate no to us ever going on a second date when I mention I never had a boyfriend. However, it looks like he is not gonna be like that.



"But you have had sex before right?" he looks at me questionably

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