Chapter Two

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As I walk through the glass doors of ParkTech, I can't help but think about how lucky I am to have gotten this job just a couple of months after graduating from uni

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As I walk through the glass doors of ParkTech, I can't help but think about how lucky I am to have gotten this job just a couple of months after graduating from uni.

I was able to have only spent two years getting my bachelor's as I had already earned an associate's degree in business back home at my country's only community college. My plan was always for me to finish college, go to uni and get a good-paying job that I also love. I was excited when I received the email congratulating me on getting a fully-funded scholarship to study at the University of Melbourne, which had set my after-college plans into motion.

After stepping off the elevator on the top floor which is where I did my interview, I walked over to an older woman sitting behind the front desk as she answered a phone call. I let her know why I was there then she proceeded to inform me that Mr Park was running a bit late, but she'll brief me on my job duties while I wait.

She stated she was the one who called me and that Mr Park had been persistent and determined to have me hired as I was fresh out of uni.

"Okay, Miss Jones your duties as Mr Park's assistant are; to assist him with daily administrative tasks, manage his calendar of appointments, arrange his travel plans; make sure that he has detailed travel plans, do itineraries, create agendas, compile documents for meetings and attending said meetings unless he says not to. You will also need to screen his phone calls, emails, and visitors. You may also need to travel with him, but not all the time. Oh, and sometimes he gets handwritten documents or notes, and you will need to transcribe those."

As she lists off what I'm required to do, I can feel my thoughts going a thousand miles per hour making me more nervous than I already was. The only thoughts I was having were if I was going to make a good first impression and that's a lot of work to be done."That's a lot of work for just me to handle"

"I'll be there guiding you until you're able to do it on your own, I may be his secretary, but when he didn't have a PA, I was the one who assisted him in the tasks that you will be doing but seeing as that I now have my grandchildren around I can't travel with him anymore. And that's where you come in, seeing as you're young with no serious responsibilities holding you back you're great for the PA position," she states as she stops in front of a door that's adjacent to another door labelled with  Dmitri Park, CEO on the centre of it. She turns the knob allowing me to step into a neatly arranged office with empty dark bookshelves lining the entire left side of the room.

 There's a brown-black desk and a leather chair that looks to be comfortable all situated in front of the shelves. There is floor to ceiling windows on the right side of the desk area that gives a spectacular view of the city.

Continuing into the office, my eyes gravitate towards the transparent wall in front of my desk with a door that I assume leads to Mr Park's office.

"As you can see, this is your office. Feel free to decorate or arrange it to your liking. That office over there is Mr Park's so that he can easily have access to you." Mrs, Hall states.

"Is it always transparent?" I feel like having him be able to see me all the time will make me into a nervous wreck which I am most of the time.

"Not all the time he makes it opaque when he has visitors, on a phone call, or he doesn't want to be disturbed."

That's somewhat reassuring.

I looked towards the desk as Mrs Hall continued to give the tour. There wasn't much: a phone, a Mac Desktop and an office printer. I'll be making a list of things that I need to make my space.

As the tour continued, I was shown where I could find the kitchen area and the multiple conference rooms there were I was introduced to a couple of other workers on this floor and where the bathrooms are. Mrs Hall also states that each floor is a different department, like the floor below us is the accounting and finance department, then there's marketing and sales, human resources, software development, media and communication and security. Maybe there's a design department, but I stopped listening after she said security.

After the tour, I went back to my office to start putting a list of things my office needed together, which wasn't much, just some stationery, organizers and a clock. As I get familiarised with my office area, I am sure I'll add more accessories, but for now, it'll do.

For the past hour or two, I had to take phone calls for Mr Park, which was fine, but I felt bad that I had to tell the callers to leave a message as he was not in the office, especially on my first day. Answering phone calls is all I could have done as I had to get Mr Park's company email password to access his emails to begin screening them.

I had just taken another message when I stole a glance at the corner of the desktop, the time only being 10:30 am. I could have sworn it was already midday. My eyes move away from the computer screen to now focusing on the transparent walls in front of me, where I can see that Mr Park is taking off his navy blue suit jacket and placing it on the back of the chair before taking a seat.

I quickly averted my eyes when he made eye contact with mine before I realized that I was going to have to go in there and relay all the messages that were left for him. I shouldn't be nervous. I already met him, and he interviewed me, for God's sake.

My sweaty palms turn the cold knob of the door, and I enter his office, closing the door behind me.

"Hi, Mr Park"

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