Now Playing: Celestial

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Daki scoffs, "I've lifted people with these, woman! You ain't seen nothing yet!" she laughs, sending another obi at you aiming for your neck.

You smirked, "Blood Demon Arts:

Medusa's Stone Heart."

You sprayed blood all over Daki, making her panicked.

"Please don't burn me!"

You flinch at her pleas, she crouched down and shielded herself from you. "I'm not gonna burn you, calm down," you say, activating your demon arts.

Suddenly, Daki couldn't move. "What...

What did you do?!"

You smile sadly at her, "... making things easier..."

Inosuke came behind you and started sawing her neck off with his Palisade Bite. He succeeded, taking her head and ran away with it.

"You did it, Inosuke!" cheered Tanjiro, admiring how he used his battered blades as saws.

"Head! It's her head!" he yells with Daki's head up in the air, "I'll take it far away so it won't reattach to her body!"

Obis were sent his way, making him jump up and maneuver in the air. He landed gracefully and continued to run, "I'll be taking this with me and run around for the time being!" he says.

"You guys help that old man!"

"Understood!" says Tanjiro, blocking an attack. "Be careful, Inosuke!"

"Traitor! You're a traitor!" she cries out to you, sending more obis your way to which you evaded easily with the Water Breath's third form. She grumbles in Inosuke's arms to which he laughs at, "let my head go, you stupid boar!" she yells.

Her hair started to move in an attempt to attack Inosuke but he easily cut it off like a leaf, he cackles. "Your attack was dull!"

"What did you say?!"

He laughs even more, "you may not be dead yet, but after I chopped off your head, the vital point, you've become a weakling!"

You look back to see Gyutaro with his sickles ready to stab Inosuke through the heart. Your feet started running toward him, you didn't know why but you followed your instincts.


You sped up towards him and arrived just in time.

Tanjiro looks back and saw that you got stabbed.

By the lung.

"Y/n-san!" he cries out.

'Y/n-san! Y/n-san! This is bad... She got poisoned... Did her heart get stabbed? It's so dark, I can't see... Damn it...

Damn it!'

It hurts.

That was your first thought.

Inosuke probably knew how to deal with the poison than you, but it didn't matter. You saved him, and you were happy.

Your body was weakened drastically, but not enough to make you unconscious. You look back at Inosuke who was sweating bullets, Daki's head was gone. "A-Are you alright, Y/n?"

You nod, "a little... I can still fi-"

You threw up a handful of blood, making Inosuke gasp. "You sure you're alright? I-I mean-"

"I'm fine," you took a deep breath and got back on your feet, looking back at Inosuke. "Fit as a fiddle."

You fell back on your knees, throwing up more of the ill tasting blood. Inosuke pats your back, "I-I don't know what to do! Monjiro! Come he-

Fuck!" he yelled.

"What's... wrong?" you ask in between coughs, he lifts your head up and saw that Tengen and Gyutaro were fighting at an unpredictable speed.

Tanjiro was following behind with his sword ready, and Zenitsu was already keeping Daki in the air with his sword to her neck. "Oh, no!" you exclaimed. Inosuke laid you down on the roof and wielded his swords.

"In return for saving me...

I'll avenge my lackey!"

"Inosuke, wait-!"

He took off and added more pressure to Daki's neck with Zenitsu.

You took your sword from the side and changed your grip, "last chance..."

You sped up to Daki whose head was close to being beheaded.

"Water Breathing, Tenth Form;

Constant Flux!"

You went behind her as she turned her towards you in surprise, cutting it off in one swift motion.

You saw her crying tears with her head still in the air, "why did we ever trust you..?"

Gyutaro's head also flew up as he was decapitated, you fell to your knees once more, letting go of your sword as you started to choke.

'My eyes... I can't see clearly... my chest hurts... everything hurts...

Papa... Mama... Big sis...

where are you..?'

~Time skip, after the battle~

You slowly open your eyes to see you were inside a dimly lit room.

You try to move, but every move felt like a thousand needles poking you. You groaned and stayed in bed, continuing your sleep.

"Giyuu..." you whispered.

The said man shivered as he finished off the last two demons of his mission.

He looked up at the moon above with questioning eyes.

"Is she safe?"

She is.

Word Count: 1310

The Sun Meets The Horizon Demon Slayer x Spy Family Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now