Now Playing: Dream About You

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Status: Unedited

Published: July 10, 2023

You all arrived there with your back rides shaking, except for Giyuu.

"Alright, headcount in case someone fell on the way," Anya giggled, taking off her helmet decorated with her signature little horns.









"And 8," you counted last, locking the handles of your motorcycle as Anya did with hers. "Papa's here," she pointed at Loid's car. You smiled, "come on everyone," you beckoned, making everyone follow in a line.

Giyuu was beside you as always, Anya on your left. You smile at him which made him raise a brow, "what? Is there something on my face?"

You squeeze his cheek, making him close his eye, "yeah, cuteness," you wink.

You left him standing there. Shinobu bumped into him, "she likes you~"

"I think I already got that a long time ago, Kocho."

You entered the Handler's office with everyone at the DSC and Anya with you. "Good morning, Handler," you greet.

She stared in wide eyes at the group you brought along with you, "hey, isn't this a bit too much?"

You shrug, "doesn't matter. They don't have background either, and they're willing to join WISE."

Anya waved, "hey, auntie."

The Handler smiled and waved back, "hey," she smiles.

The Handler pushes up her glasses, "okay, let's get to business. Give me your names," she says.


"They can't do that," Giyuu spoke up, making everyone look at him. The Handler understands, "fine. Are you fugitives?" she asked.

You scratch your head, "drop it, Handler. I'm not friends with fugitives," you say. Anya nodded and hugged Tanjiro from behind, "they're nice people."

The Handler sighed, "just give me your codenames, is that alright?"

Shinobu thought for a while, "this one's the Monarch Butterfly."

She looked at you and smiled, "it fits you," you simply say.

Shinobu hugged you, "I'm willing to be in the pharmaceuticals division, please~"

The Handler noted it down and pressed a button on her table, "you'll be going with Agent Val," she says.

The door opened to reveal a woman wearing a white coat. "Good morning, Handler."

"Morning, Val. Take this rookie with you and show her around the lab," she says, pointing at Shinobu. "Hello~"

The woman nodded, "follow me," she says, walking out the room.

"Agent Lightning," you addressed Zenitsu, pushing him forward. "C-Can I be in the Teens' Spy Division?" he asks, the Handler nodded. "Agent Sunrise, lead him to the training room after this."

You nod, "yes, ma'am."

"Agent Rain," you hear Anya say, poking Tanjiro's sides, making him jolt up. "Teens' Spy Division too, please."

The Sun Meets The Horizon Demon Slayer x Spy Family Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα