Now Playing: Celestial

17 2 0

Status: Unedited

Published: July 30, 2023

Anya watched as Inosuke got stabbed by Gyutaro, she gasped.

Her face was white at this point.

She turned off the TV, pacing back and forth in the living room. "Y/n-nee..." she kept on whispering, turning the TV on again to continue watching the anime.

She scratches her head, "she better not die..."

You on the other hand, were enjoying yourself in fighting. "This is fun!" you say, running straight to Daki. She sent two obis to you which you jump up and parried them away, still running to her.

The obis turned and followed your back, pushing you off the roof as you fell on your back.

"Shit-" you couldn't breathe properly, the air was knocked out of your lungs.

You hit your chest several times before you recovered and jumped back up.

"Tanjiro Kamado!

I offer you my deepest thanks!"

You look underneath you and saw Tengen proceeding to cut of Gyutaro's head to which you panicked at, Daki's head was still intact.

"Inosuke!" you call out, dodging an obi.

He grumbles, "damn it! They're fluttering everywhere, it's annoying!"

He jumps to Zenitsu's aid and tried to cut in half three obis, but they didn't budge. "They're fucking hard even though they squirm!"

Daki pulled her obi back which sent Inosuke in the air, "there's no end to this!"

He jumps to an obi then to another one, glancing at Tanjiro and Tengen who were entertaining Gyutaro as they harbored Hinatsuru.

He panicked, "oh crap! The demon over there is close to having his head cut off!" he yells.

"Inosuke! Watch out for the next attack!" Zenitsu yells, making Inosuke dodge in time before he got hit.

"Damn it! We can't beat them unless we chop both their heads off together!" he yells.

Suddenly, he started to wave his swords around while running to Daki. You clicked your tongue and pulled him up to the sky with a jump, "calm down, asshole! You wanna get killed?!" you asked him.

"She's right! We don't literally have to sever them at the same time!" says Zenitsu.

You thought for a bit then realized, "that's right! We just have to make sure their heads aren't connected, or if one of them gets cut them they'll still regenerate!" you say, Inosuke pushed you off him.

Zenitsu suddenly got surrounded by obis which made you fly to him, "Zenitsu!" you yelled.

He easily cut them all into pieces as he continues to fall, "even after our friends severed his neck, don't give up and just keep attacking!"

'Even if your gun's empty and it's just you left...

... fight...

... hold your head up high...

... don't loose hope...

... don't stop...'

"... don't stop until you've succeeded!" you yelled, changing your grip on your sword as you activated your blood.

"Blood Demon Arts: Poseidon's Trident!"

You slashed at least a gallon of water at Daki's obi. She struggles to move, "it's heavy, isn't it?!" you laughed maniacally, slashing more water at each of the obi flying. Tanjiro joined the fight against Daki as they entrusted Tengen with Gyutaro.

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