
558 16 54

Status: Unedited

Published: May 19, 2022


That's what life felt like to you.

You wanted to run away but you didn't know how to survive with only yourself, and so you chose to stay with your foster parents instead just to live your life to the fullest like your older sister asked you to. They were nice people but you didn't want to depend on them just to have a roof to live under but you enjoyed their company which made you change your mind and stay with them forever.

You had a history of leukemia, a genetic thing from your mother who died from the same illness and you needed a bone marrow donor. Only your older sister was a match for you. Even though, she still went against your wishes even after you already signed a DNR and saved your life.

She later on got stage 3 breast cancer. She died mid surgery. Part of her now lives inside of you and you didn't want her remains to die with you just yet, and that's when you made the decision to live till you grow old no matter the cause.

Though a lot of killing scenes were included, Demon Slayer is your comfort anime. Perks of being an assassin, I guess?

And you may or may not have fallen for one of the Pillars.

You fell hard for this man.

The way he relates to you hurts so much that he isn't real and he doesn't even know that someone does like him, only she's from a different world.

As your life started out alright, everything started to fall little by little.

Then The Water Pillar came into your life virtually.

Dead parents?


Dead big sis?

Relate as well.

Dead emotions?

Relate but will soon be revived.

You have a talent for sniping, singing, songwriting, guitar playing, gymnastics, sword fighting and volleyball.

Your old family acknowledged your talents but no one else in your present lifestyle sees these things as important value except your new Foster Parents and the agency you work for. They considered that they might actually be useful for future missions.

How you missed the way things were, but time cannot be reversed.

Moving on was hard but you got through everything without anyone's help. All except for e cigarettes and alcohol at 13.

You're now 19 and you developed this habit just 6 years ago after hanging out with this clerk at the bar. The first shot he gave you wasn't that strong, just 6% alcohol which tasted like soda. 5 days later, you went to your friend's birthday party and you had the idea of buying some soju that had 15% alcohol and drank it.

How you regretted that because you almost got raped by the hottest guy in your school, according to some jerks who always like to mess with you for no reason at all. He was only a mere dumbass who knows nothing of the world.

Your friend is still with you anyway and she dislikes the way people at school treat you. If you had a bad day, she would always make you Milk Tea from her dad's shop, sneak it out and give it to you for you to have. Her parents never noticed anything and your friend was totally head over heels for Rengoku Kyojuro.

The Sun Meets The Horizon Demon Slayer x Spy Family Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now