𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒕 ~

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{ Hello! This does get a little angsty a little fast,and this is designed to be a little saddening. If you don't like that, you should click off now~ ♡ } ::

{yashiro pov, diary entry}

I still remember the day I ment Hanako-kun! It was amazing. He helped me with everything.. I'm still upset none of it worked. It's sad that most of them became a huge fuss! I just wanted to show Minamoto-senpai how much he means to me..

Hanako-kun helped me realize something..something important. It's not like I like him or anything!! It's just.. He's really funny and makes me feel safe. That's all! Well, he helped me realize how I just want to feel loved, I don't actually love Minamoto-senpai.. It still hurts seeing the guy you like, like someone else, aha.

Speak of, I wonder if Hanako-kun liked anyone in his past! Maybe I should ask him it at school tomorrow! I don't expect an answer.. He's so secretive.

There's something.. In my heart.. That makes me want to know more about him. He is all I can think of lately.. He's really clingy.. Not that I have a problem with it! It's just, he doesn't really know personal space..

I have stop stop writing -- my mum is calling for me. I'll update you tomorrow!

{Next day, at school} ::

{Nene POV}

I wonder.. Where is Hanako-kun? I see Kou-kun, but not Hanako. He's probably in the bathroom, I'm just over thinking it!

Nene walks into school, Kou catches up to her

"Senpai! How are you today?" kou-kun asked.

"Hello Kou-kun! I'm doing fine right now! Have you seen Hanako-kun anywhere? I wanted to ask him something - he's usually waiting for me outside the building." I say in reply.

Kou looks up, puts his hands behind his head and grins. "Sorry, Senpai, I haven't seen him yet! I'll come with you to check the bathroom!" Kou-kun offered.

That was.. Really nice of him. Kou-kun is so sweet to me! I'm really thankful I'm friends with him!

"Yeah! Let's check the bathroom!" I explain, excitedly.

For some reason, I just want to see Hanako-kun more.. Only Hanako-kun. What am I thinking?! These thoughts are so.. Immature! Let's be honest Nene, there's no way in hell he would've liked you. Ever! But why.. Why does the truth hurt..? I don't like him or anything! But he makes me feel.. happy. Nobody else makes me feel this way..

Nene and kou reach the 3rd story girls bathroom, and goes inside. There they are greeted to nothing. A desolate bathroom.

Oh. He's not here.. There was no point in looking anyways. If he wasn't in the usual meet up spot, why would he be here! Stupid! I'm so.. So stupid!

Kou walks over to the bathroom, on the 3rd stall door. There is a little piece of paper attached to it, addressed to Yashiro Nene.

"Senpai! There's a note here for you!" Kou-kun reassured me, handing me a piece of paper with my name on.

I began to read, or at least try to read, the paper. The handwriting is like a childs! The letters are different sizes and badly punctuated. I can just make out the word's: wonder, meeting. I'm guessing Hanako-kun is in a meeting.. He has no time for me.

Nene is in class, looking outside the window watching the rain patter dismally against the window pane. She sighs, turns her head to look at the teacher, but faces Hanako-kun instead?!

"Ya-shi-roo~!♡" Hanako-kun spoke to me, smiling widely. He looked happy..happy to see me. He looks cute when he's smiling.. What am I thinking?! No way Hanako-kun would like me.. Right? "huh? Yashiro? Are you alright?? You look upset!!" He said, looking worried. Why would he worry about me? I'm fine, I think? Am I? Argh, emotions are so annoying to understand!

Nene grabs a spare bit of paper, then begind to write something for Hanako. She writes "I'm fine! Thank you for worrying though! ★" drawing a little star at the end. Hanako loves space themed things, nene found that fact about him completely adorable

"Are you.. Sure? You're about to cry, Yashiro!" Hanako-kun then says, getting close to my face to wipe away any tears that might fall. Hanako-kun is really sweet, gentle and caring sometimes. I just wish.. Wish that he knew how I felt. I don't have any courage to tell him. I'm pathetic. Honestly. I'm better off dead.

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