Caught His Eye (RE: Wesker/Fem!Reader) Part 1

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You weren't a part of the usual crowd that joined Umbrella, let alone the type to be involved with Oswald Spencer. It's no wonder you caught Wesker's eye and became a source of endless... fascination.


  To say you were "married" to Oswald E. Spencer wouldn't be accurate. It was literally true, as in, on paper you were married, but you weren't close. Not even a little. He barely knew your name and you his. It was for the money. The power. Your family benefited from the marriage monetarily and materialistically and he benefited from having more lackeys that were loyal to him and willing to do... unsavory work in exchange for more boons in his name.

You did work in Umbrella but not for the money or for the power. No, you naive little fool, you actually wanted to make a difference in the world. Not make a name for yourself, not to become rich, not to become immortal. No, you merely wanted to make the world a better place. Whether it be from creating vaccines for known diseases or aiding in the creation of medicines that would help pre-existing ailments, you wanted to help. It was admirable but Albert couldn't help but to shake his head and sigh.

What to do with you...

It was surprising to learn you knew nothing of the front that was Umbrella; nothing of the many, many bio-weapons they have created, that have been implemented and used - simply nothing. Concerns about security were brought up surrounding your joining of the company. What if you leak their secrets?! Concerns were brushed aside. "She won't be an issue." Spencer would say.

And he was right. You were never an issue.

Albert remembers the first day he met you. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for work, ready to make friendly with your coworkers. Everyone thought you were a spy planted by Spencer to monitor them. Albert knew right away you weren't. It was the way you carried yourself, the way your eyes looked... You seemed to want genuine connection. It shouldn't have been found there but...

He couldn't help himself...

"A-Ah! You're Albert Wesker?! THE Albert Wesker?!" The colour rushed to your face as you scrambled to appear somewhat professional. You patted down your white coat and smoothed down your hair. Suppressing a giggle, you offered your hand, though you did so with an air of uncertainty.

"I-It's so nice to meet you! I-I mean-! It's a pleasure! A-A... an honour?" The excitement was washed out by the mortification that crossed your face. A spy? You must be a phenomenal actress. Wesker took your hand, giving it a curt shake. Your hand was completely engulfed by his own. He noted how your fingers trembled and twitched as embarrassment swiftly turned back into excitement.

"The pleasure is mine. You are Mrs. Spencer, correct?" It somehow left a sour taste in his mouth. It was more than... what? Strange? Unbelievable? Infuriating that such a young, bright and seemingly decent person was tied to, perhaps, the most selfish, egotistical and simply evil human being on the face of the planet. Perhaps you'll prove him wrong, though. Perhaps-

You scrunched up your nose. Something akin to disgust crinkles your forehead.

"Ah- Please, no need for... that. You can use my first name if you like! ...or my maiden name..." Your voice fell flat, trailing off as you realized that was, most definitely, not an appropriate thing to say to one, a new coworker that you just met, two, the Albert Wesker, and three, a member of Umbrella, where you're "husband" may or may not find out you said such a thing. Maybe he wouldn't care, though. A feeling sours your stomach.

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