Battle with the Dragon #1

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(Bell POV)

We all continued walking up this mountain that felt like we walking to an overbearing presence. Each step felt like walking in super heavy snow, each step harder than the last.

There were no words spoken during this march either. Everyone had unanimously agreed that speaking would only lead to our deaths.

When the Vanguard finally reached the top, I visibly saw their breaths catch. They had stopped breathing then and there, just watching what they had seen.

My group reached the top next, and my breath was also caught.

It was the dragon. We all knew it would be here, yet for some reason we were surprised. It appeared to be sleeping, and it had scales black enough to blend into the night sky. It's one eye that was cut out was facing toward us, while the other faced the other way so it was impossible to say 100% whether it was sleeping, but based on the posture of it, that was what I assumed.

I decided I would take one of the more risky jobs currently. I snuck around to the other side of the dragon, still not a single bird or insect making a single sound.

Ais and the others all watched cautiously and hoped that I would give them a thumbs-up when I came back.

When I finally reached the other end, however, I was met with an eye wide open. I froze for a quick moment, but not seeing any other reaction, I decided to take one more risk. It could have been asleep with its eyes open, I've seen many people do it before, as well as some monsters who do it to ward off adventurers. I walked even further to the side, and that was when I realized the pupil followed my movements.


Just as I yelled I immediately jumped back as the dragon opened its mouth and was about to swallow me whole, luckily for me though I was actually with a group.

A magic chain quickly shut its mouth, which allowed me to land easily on the ground. Just as I landed, the whole entire vanguard went on the attack.

"CHARGE!" Ais yelled out, signaling the time for battle.


All of the forces in the vanguard started rushing in, half of the forces in the back started chanting magic while the other half waited for the chance to heal the injured. The dragon by then had easily broken through the chain covering its mouth, and it didn't look like it would be easy to put it back on.

The dragon looked like it was taking in a large breath, to anyone who has read a fairy tale, it was obvious what was about to happen. It was about to spew out flames.

Those without any sort of fire resistance dodged, but those with the skill or salamander robes kept charging.

"IDIOTS, DODGE!" I yelled out.

If this were a fairy tale, sure it would have been a regular fire. But the aura around it signaled it was something else. 

When it blew it all out, there were flames, but they were purple.

When it blew it all out, there were flames, but they were purple

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