The Truth

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(Bell POV)

I opened my hazy eyes to see that I was surrounded by darkness. From the stone-cold floor and the iron bars in front of me, it was clear that I was in a cell.

I leaned my head back against the wall behind me looking up, both my wrist and ankles chained into the wall.

The chains used were sealing ones even though they were considered illegal, I guess that's how desperate they were to keep me locked up.

After a while of just sitting, I decided to call out, "Is anyone there? At least tell me the time."

I expected someone to be on the watch. I then heard footsteps walk towards me, I looked up at the figure whose body was impossible to make out from the darkness.

"To think when we would next meet when you are in a cell...I must say, your brain fails you."

The voice made it clear who it was right away, the man then snapped his fingers and a small light lighted up the man's face. It was none other than Hermes.

"Are you gonna tell me what time it is or not?"

"It has been one day since your capture. As you can see, no one is here to help you this time. You are in checkmate."

"...So, you got to my familia?"

"No matter how much they claim to trust you, they eventually had enough. I'm sure you realized it as well."

I let out a sigh as I put my head back against the wall again.

"So what's going to happen to me now?"

"You already know what's going to happen. Execution."

"Stop lying, like you said I know what's going to happen to me."

"Alright, alright. You're going to be forced into a slave contract by magic. You are going to be forced into the dungeon over and over again to help with expeditions and whatnot. The only reason you're not going to be executed though is because you're an anomaly. The fastest person to level up to level 5 so fast."

"...And Zeus?"

This seemed to make Hermes tense up a little.

"He...Got sent back to heaven. He didn't leave any messages or anything."

Then there was an awkward silence that followed. I had a question itching at the back of my throat but I didn't know what would happen if I were to ask.

Then, as if reading my mind, Hermes spoke up, "Only we gods get punished for speaking the taboo, as a mortal you have nothing to fear. Speak of your theory."

"Alright, I'll be blunt then," I then readjusted myself to look right at Hermes, "Is the dungeon controlled by the gods in heaven?"


There was an eerie silence that unfolded after. We both just wanted to be sure that nothing would happen.

"Well...I can't answer that without getting sent back to heaven." He replied as he tilted his hat down over his eyes and a small smirk appeared.

That told me all I needed to know.

Back when I spoke with Freya way back when she started to speak of ways the gods in heaven were killing time. I doubt that it could have been something dumb, but the secret of the dungeon would certainly make sense. 

It would mean that the incomprehensible dungeon was made by the gods, which would explain a lot. How it arrived here, the monsters, the complexity, the seemingly endless level of floors, everything. They were simply there because the gods in heaven were bored. When a god wanted to come down here to play on the game board they created, they obviously had to make sure not to speak of it, because if they did, then who would want to serve the gods?

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