Safe For Now

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(Lyu POV)

I hoisted Bell up and hopped on my one good leg as I tried to find a room.

We were in the white palace but it seemed Bell finally couldn't hold out any longer. He was knocked out.

I was now likely hopping around for 10 minutes and somehow was not only lucky enough to find a room, but also lucky enough not to be attacked by monsters.

I set Bell down as I collapsed right next to him.

'Damn...I can't move,'

My leg hurt so bad that I thought it might honestly be better if I were to chop it off. At the same time though I didn't want to be even more of a burden. I wanted to help and to do that I would need both legs.

There were the remaining skeletons of adventurers next to us so maybe they could have some healing potions for Bell in there.

I then realized that I cared more about Bell now than I did even for myself. 

"Rest a little," I heard Bell say quietly "I can guard with my magic since I can move my fingers now,"

"... thanks. Wake me up in five,"

I then fell asleep right away, not wanting to miss out on any time of rest

(Bell POV)

I waited for around a minute so I knew she was asleep then slowly crawled my way to the dead adventurers I spotted in the room.

I was, despite my situation ecstatic. I purposely allowed myself to sleep on the way here, placing my full trust in Lyu. 

I smiled lightly as I finally reached the bodies despite still being on the ground. I reached for a bag and knocked it over, spilling out 4 potions along with some other things.

I grabbed one and then turned over on my back. I popped it open despite my strength being so weak that I felt like I couldn't even pull grass from the ground.

I drank it despite its horrid taste then waited a few moments for the effects to kick in.

I then rose on unsteady feet and I ripped off some clothing from the dead adventurers. 

The potions here were likely higher grade since if you were going to the deep floors then you would need well-made potions.

I then walked over to Lyu, but as I was there was another one of those Skull Sheeps at the entrance.

I quickly activated Shadow spikes but it was quick enough to dodge at nearly point blank. Then it was right in front of me before I knew it.

Luckily though right when I noticed it dodged my attack I redied the Hestia Knife and swiftly stabbed it right in the skull before it could land an attack.


My breathing still wasn't good. I needed to rest, but with Lyu sleeping...I couldn't.

I was now able to walk up to Lyu and I tied the piece of cloth I ripped out around her injured leg. this would likely wake her up but I quickly snapped it as close enough into place as I could.

"AHHHHHHH!" Lyu woke up right away but when she did it was already done. I finished tying the cloth around her leg as well. "What are you-"

Before she could finish her sentence though I shoved two of the potions into her mouth.

"ACK!" After she finished them she let out a sound of displeasure. She quickly realized though that her leg was feeling better "! Why didn't you drink them?! You're in much worse shape than I am!"

"Please be quieter. Also, Your leg was worse than any part of me, and it still isn't healed even after the potions. Rest a little more, I'll wake you up in 5 again,"

"No, I already got five minutes. Your turn,"

"I refuse your refusal,"

"...Fine, afterward though you sleep for 10 minutes got it?"

"Yeah, yeah,"

She then went back to sleep as I went to scavage the rest of the belongings from the dead adventurers and I found many more things.

I found a map to record where we were. I didn't know the layout at all though so that would be for Lyu to try and do when she woke up since she may have been here before. There was also Moldy bread, some water that's who knows how old, and some more weapons. 

I then sat back down after stabbing the walls with my knives to prevent as many monsters from spawning as possible.




(Lyu POV)

I could see them, right in front of me. Alize, Kaguya, Lyra. They plus the rest of my familia were all right in front of me as we set off, then, nearly in an instant they were covered in blood. Decapitated, dismembered, or burned.

I woke up in a sweat as I looked at Bell, who had his back against the wall looking forward.

"...How long was I asleep for?"

"Five minutes, I was about to wake you up now so you could finish the map,"

He pointed at a map he found, likely from the adventurers.

"Have you been on this floor before?" He asked

"I have a few times...but sadly we don't seem to be on the main route so I can't say for certain where we are,"

"Alright then. We just have to fill it out as we go," He then stood up, and I did as well. My leg felt a lot better though, It almost didn't feel like I needed the cloth.

He also then handed me two extra daggers that he also probably got from the adventurers.

But something here wasn't right...

"Bell," I called out as he turned around 


"How long was I really asleep for,"

"I already told you, five minutes,"

"Wait, come to think of it you didn't even rest either!" I then walked as fast as I could right in front of him "Rest, now,"

"I'll be fine. Trust me alright?"

"...Fine then I will. On the condition that you tell me how long I was out for,"

"...I can't say for certain since I didn't have a clock with me but I was counting seconds. 28830 seconds according to what I counted which is barely over eight hours,"

"Bell!" I then grabbed his shirt and glared at him "What would have happened if something happened to you while I was asleep?! I told you to wake me up in five minutes!"

"Yeah, you did but you can run on your leg now even if it'll hurt a little,"

"Sure, but my leg does not correlate to our lives. Sleep for at least a bit, now,"

"I already told you we don't have time for that," His gaze sharpened for the first time in a while 

"But we had enough time for me to sleep 8 hours?!"

"Yes, 'cause in the long run, it'll be faster that way. With you being able to walk on your own we can make it to the surface faster,"


I didn't respond, not cause I didn't know how to respond to his words but because of the thought behind them.

He really thinks we can make it to the surface.

"Let's go,"

He turned and started to leave and I slowly followed

'You are one of my friends Bell. And because of that, I refuse to let you die, regardless of what happens,' I thought to myself as we entered the tunnels.

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